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INDIGO is a system of standards and frameworks for multiplatform and distributed astronomy software development designed to scale with your needs.
I'm using INDIGO 4.5 on Macbook Pro M1 2020, and I use Canon EOS 7D as my main camera. The rest functions of the software is just fine, but when...
Version 2.0-176 Using with OnStep. The Park / Unpark - function does not work properly. OnStep offers the selection of starting "parked" or "tracking". I use "parked". It seems that...
All, New here. Running 64 bit Bullseye on RPI 4 8GB. INDI fully loaded.. PHD2, EKOS, SkyX, etc. all running perfectly. I followed the download and build instruction for the...
Following the documentation, I launched the `indigo_ccd_qhy2` driver using the `-i` option. I normally use the following command: ``` indigo_server --enable-info --disable-bonjour indigo_ccd_asi indigo_ccd_atik -i indigo_ccd_qhy2 indigo_wheel_sx indigo_agent_alpaca ```...
PTP-over-USB driver must crash if the connection to the camera is lost while waiting in ptp_blob_exposure_timer().
It is now really feasible to perform low cost astrophotograpy using the [new Raspberry Pi HQ camera]( You can see [astonishing examples]( and [various setups]( For scientific purposes, the [Bayer...
Wish you a happy new year 2022! I am trying to connect to a new PMC-8 via serial port. indigo.log says `indigo_mount_pmc8[pmc8_command:198]: Command ESGv! failed` A connection can be established...
This is not an "issue" per se, at least not an Indigo issue, but could be useful to other users facing the same problem : a QHYCCD camera hanging upon...
Hi! I had an issue when I tried to build INDIGO on my Mac (MacBook Air M1 2020, OSX 12.0.1, Xcode 13.2.1) ### Error ``` autoreconf: export WARNINGS= autoreconf: Entering...