react-native-chart-kit copied to clipboard
Line Chart Scroll
Is there a way to add a scroll to the line chart and limit the number of data point shown on the initial "page"?
There is no scroll, but you can limit data points by passing fewer data points in the props
Thanks... yea, i did that as a workaround. Any future possibility to scroll?
Not unless someone submits a PR 😉
Hi there, any updates on that? I would love to have it
Hi, any update available ? Because I would like to have a longer curve with more data to see a good evolution and not just a rough average.
Its working fine follow this link []
Hi, is there a way to spread out the data points and scroll to the last point of the chart?
something like this
I have 100 points and with the current settings i cannot see any labels(they all mashed out). am i missing something? Please help.
horizontal scroll is really needed for this library
Finally figured this out after hours of searching...
Finally figured this out after hours of searching...
Did you add horizontal scroll?
Yes - my use case is a scrollable horizontal chart
Here is my implementation
<ScrollView horizontal={true} contentOffset={{ x: 10000, y: 0 }} // i needed the scrolling to start from the end not the start showsHorizontalScrollIndicator={false} // to hide scroll bar > <LineChart data={data} width={900} height={250} xLabelsOffset={10} chartConfig={chartConfig} withHorizontalLines={false} withVerticalLines={false} withHorizontalLabels={false} withInnerLines={false} withOuterLines={false} style={{ paddingRight: 20, // to remove white spaces at the start of the chart }} bezier /> </ScrollView>
Is there a way to get the horizontal scroll bar in line chart with dynamic data
Is there a way to get the horizontal scroll bar in line chart with dynamic data
@SangeethaSridharanOfficial maybe you can use like below
my chart data
It would be really nice if we could fix the yAxis and scroll the data dynamically along the x Axis!
Is there any way to keep the yAxis labels visible at all times while scrolling?
have any some update for it? I have to do some trick for it and still wait some update from this lib.
Hello! I just come up with an alternate solution where you don't need any PR. No need to update the library. First of all, put your LineChart inside a scroll view like below. If you have large data just increase the width of the chart. You'll be able to scroll. That's it.
<ScrollView horizontal>
labels: [
datasets: [
data: [
Math.random() * 100,
Math.random() * 100,
Math.random() * 100,
Math.random() * 100,
Math.random() * 100,
Math.random() * 100,
width={1000} // from react-native
//yAxisInterval={1} // optional, defaults to 1
backgroundColor: "#ffff",
backgroundGradientFrom: "#ffff",
backgroundGradientTo: "#ffff",
decimalPlaces: 2, // optional, defaults to 2dp
color: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(46, 204, 113 , ${opacity})`,
labelColor: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(28, 40, 51 , ${opacity})`,
style: {
borderRadius: 16,
propsForDots: {
r: "6",
strokeWidth: "2",
stroke: "#2ECC71",
marginVertical: 8,
borderRadius: 16,