in dow
in dow
Now, it shows list of wikis. I found that it can get the front page of wiki from `project/[projectname]/wiki.xml` .
When open issue or projects, shows local data. The local data would be out of date from redmine. Check last fetched date in current record to fetch new or not.
There is error on posting cause of invalid status. Server would send error tag, but it is not handled.
According to below site described about snack bar.
Stop watch on comment area. [START] 3.2/4.8 push START [STOP] 3:20:00 / 4:50:00 push STOP [START] [3.5]/4.8 [UPLOAD] push UPLOAD Fragment dialog to edit activity/comment. by default, comment is first...
We need to read all issues. It is helpful to know what isssue is unread.