Results 55 comments of Melinda

@VitorLamego I'm adding one thing, which is a backwards compatibility `EntityExtractorMixin` class that will emit a deprecation warning when used. The reason for this is to prevent breaking changes in...

Since I can't push to your fork, there's a branch & commit here with the suggested changes - could you pull these into your branch?

Thanks, do you mind addressing the[ failing CI checks]( ? They're my fault, I added the logging module when testing locally. The documentation check is failing because of a flaky...

There was a PR to make the check non-required here: - the commit is also on `main`, so if you merge main into your branch, it should take care...

Last failing check here you can fix it by running `make formatter`

@VitorLamego I'm so sorry, now there's conflicts that have to be resolved - I'll try make sure this time once that's done this gets merged quickly so it doesn't get...

@skier233 I tried to reproduce this on my Windows 10 machine; I'm not seeing an unreasonable lag on requests to the rest webhook (~260ms). That said it is possible that...

Gotcha - I was testing in Postman; I do see more of a lag in `rasa shell`, harder to quantify but something like a second and a bit. I am...

I'm also going to edit the title for clarity in case someone comes looking for the same symptom.

Have you tried the localhost resolution suggestion above for callback or shell?