colour-blind-camera copied to clipboard
Serious performance issue
When creating a new capture session in the method _java_capture_session_callback the _update_preview method is being scheduled to run repetedly. However, if we, for some reason, restart the camera (for example, in the on_resume method), the method is scheduled again and now is called twice.
To fix this issue we can save the return of
Clock.schedule_interval(self._update_preview, 0)
and cancel is in the close() method
def _java_capture_session_callback(self, *args, **kwargs): event = MyCaptureSessionCallback.camera_capture_event.toString()"CALLBACK: capture event {}".format(event)) self.java_capture_session = MyCaptureSessionCallback.camera_capture_session if event == "READY":"Doing READY actions") self.java_capture_session.setRepeatingRequest(, None, None) self.clock_event = Clock.schedule_interval(self._update_preview, 0) #Saving the event object so we can cancel it
def close(self): self.java_camera_device.close() if self.clock_event is not None: self.clock_event.cancel()