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Add references to mitten crab metadata + review
- [x] For @timadriaens: review metadata for Chinese mitten crabs dataset and change where necessary Easy to read text is available here, editing can be done here.
- [x] For @timadriaens: provide full references (see below)
- [ ] For @stijnvanhoey: add, sort and/or standardize provided references
- [ ] For @stijnvanhoey: update metadata at
Citations in metadata
- [x] EU regulation 1143/2014: cit + ref
- [x] Marquard 1926: removed
- [x] Peters et al. 1933: removed
- [x] Gollasch 2006: removed
- [x] Wouters 2002: cit + ref
- [ ] Boets et al. 2016: no citation
- [x] Boets 2013: removed
- [x] Messiaen et al. 2010: cit + ref
- [x] Kerckhof et al. 2007: cit + ref
- [x] Stevens 2010: cit + ref
- [x] Groom et al. 2015: cit + ref
- [x] Stevens et al. 2009: cit + ref
Other references?
- [ ] Maes et al. 1996: reference, but not in metadata
- [ ] Pas et al. 1998: reference, but not in metadata
E.g. reports based on the data?
- added following citations: stevens, kerckhof et al, messiaen 2010, Wouters, Boets et al 2016
- Marquard 1926, Peters et al. 1933, Gollasch 2006, Boets 2013 @peterdesmet presumably these come from GISD? I would omit those.
- added some specifications in the sampling methods "The fyke nettings only provide data on relative abundances of mitten crabs, not of mitten crab densities."
- added report by Stevens et al. 2009 because it describes sampling (description of fyke netting network on Scheldt river)
- @sanderdevisscher there could be extra (literature and/or observations) data in following projects/refs (pré-2000): to be checked (would be nice for the time series)
Maes J., Taillieu A., Van Damme P. & Ollevier F., (1996). Impact van watercaptatie via het waterpompstation van de kerncentrale van Doel 3/4 op de biota van de BenedenZeeschelde. Studierapport in opdracht van Electrabel. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. 111 pp + bijlagen.
Pas J., Peeters B., Maes J., Vlietinck K., Pauwels F. & Ollevier F., (1998). Opvolging van het visbestand van de Zeeschelde en de bijhorende overstromingsgebieden. Studierapport in opdracht van AMINAL. 82 pp + bijlagen.
Boets et al. 2016
is not indicated as a citation in the metadata. Where should it be included? - All 4 citations and references removed. Not sure where they came from.
- OK
- OK
- Maes et al. 1996 and Pas et al. 1998 are now added in the bibliography, but not cited in the metadata. That is OK, but I wanted to check if this is intentional.
@stijnvanhoey can you notify me when you plan to do your tasks in this issue? I want to go over this with you once, so it's clear how it should be done later.
@peterdesmet If I'm correct, the steps are (for metadata):
- adapt the github metadata markdown file
- adapt the IPT (directly in production?)
- mark the change in the spreadsheet Maybe we can go over this tomorrow (or friday). We can also agree on how and who is doing revision (control check) of the proposed changes.
For the moment, I updated the bibliography of the file in a separate branch, crabbibliograph according to the IPT updated version and some minor styling of the bibliography in both IPT/metadata. Is there any fixed bibliographic format for the metadata agreed on?
I've added some more corrections to that branch, across a bunch of datasets. I think it would be good to sit with someone from the bib to know what official format INBO tends to use and stick to that, before updating everything (on GitHub and IPT). Preferably one where the authors are written as: Last name F, Last name F (year) ...
as that is also the format used in ZooKeys and the IPT's automatic resource citations.