Dayron copied to clipboard
A repository `similar` to Ecto.Repo that maps to an underlying http client, sending requests to an external rest api instead of a database
Hey there, Currently, it seems that Dayron only supports data retrieval of endpoints that look like this: ```json [ { "id": 0, "name": "Elem 1"}, { "id": 1, "name": "Elem...
Hi, I encountered an issue while using your lib to consume's api. A GET request is actually sending double quotes in body. After hours of debugging (I thought something...
Tesla is a new Elixir Http Client with middleware support, similar to ruby faraday.
Based off of the HTTPoison adapter. Work in progress.
Instead of manually converting JSON keys to atoms in `Dayron.HTTPoisonAdapter`, eliminate a dependency and some code by using the `keys: :atoms` option for Poison when decoding.
The default HTTPoison adapter implementation decodes and creates atom keys, which may lead to unsolvable memory leaks. I see [here]( that `__from_json__/2` assumes (in the default implementation) atom keys, but...
It seems that links the documentation with the source code in github, but those links are not working because of missing [version tags]( - `v0.1.0` has no tag. -...
- Add an example app where api requests authentication is made based on a current_user token field. - Handle unauthorized api responses (401, 403)
It creates a `MyApp.RestRepo` module and basic configuration if possible
Add support to Ecto.Changeset, casting field values, running validations before sending requests