trimal copied to clipboard
duplicate sequence IDs
Dear Salvador, I get a segmentation fold in trimal, when running the following command:
trimal -in COG0185.0.faa -out COG0185.0.fna -backtrans inMSA0.fna -ignorestopcodon -gt 0.1 -cons 60
Without the -backtrans option, the program runs fine. I was hoping you could help me.
All the best, Falk Hildebrand
Answer from Salvador: Dear Falk,
Thanks for using trimAl and contacting me regarding this unexpected behaviour.
I played a bit with your input file and realized that you have some repeated IDs for the nucleotide files ... 2 >394503_COG0185 2 >411474_COG0185 2 >445973_COG0185 2 >699246_COG0185 2 >718252_COG0185 ... and for the protein files: 2 >394503_COG0185
I just kept the first appearance of such sequences in the attached files, and everything worked as expected.