docker-crash-course copied to clipboard
02-todo-web-application-h2 Fail
For this project I have completed the following steps using Intellij 20 IDE three times: one time each on two different Ubuntu OS machines and one time on a Windows 10 OS machine, resulting in the same problem:
Run SpringBootFirstWebApplication
Go to http://localhost8080/login in Chrome - receive the login page
Entered the login credentials: in28minutes/dummy; click the Sign in button
All three instances return: This localhost page can't be found No webpage was found for the web address: http://locahost:8080/
Have I missed something? Is there something additional that needs to be downloaded and installed to make this run without issues?
Thank you for your time.
Check if any other app is already running on port 8080 on your machine. For my case, that was the issue, and so I ran the container with port mapping like the following:
docker container run -p 8081:8080 in28min/todo-rest-api-h2:1.0.0.RELEASE