Absolutely no rush friends. Have just discovered some of the power of git so playing around. Also downloading the infragram recipe and trying Witty pi software manual install ;D Sooooo...
Hi @icarito! Great to hear! So excited!!!!
ooohhh!!! Thanks! Testing tomorrow at breakfast! ;D
The build passed but software didn't installed. I2C-tools was not found using the witty pi script so I've put it before. Let's see ;D
Sorry for the delay. I've created a new one at #59
O_o great!! So no need of adding it t the bootom of chroot?
Yeah there it is! So in a while a new image would be ready?¿
"pipeline failed with gitlab" I did something wrong ;D It says I need "push" acces to edit the file.
Just created my first pull request at ;D