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Transform a Medium post into a Markdown file

M2M or Medium to Markdown

A project to transform a Medium post into a Markdown file

Environment Variables

This project uses 2 environment variables: GITHUB_USERNAME and GITHUB_PASSWORD. They are used in the GistToCodeblock class to authenticate user in the Github API.

Copy the .sample-env and update the variables with your Github username and password

cp .sample-env .env


Create your virtual environment

virtualenv m2menv

Activate your virtualenv

source m2menv/bin/activate

Run this command to install all required libraries

pip install -r requirements.txt


To do the Medium to Markdown transformation, call the core.py passing the post url

python m2m/core.py http://bit.ly/2FG5GgT

If you not pass the post url, the core.py will use the default post url