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:hammer_and_pick: :construction: This is a workshop for learning how to build React Applications

React Workshop

:fire: This is a workshop for learning how to build React Application


Please follow me 🙏 on twitter and github to stay updated with new content

:video_camera: App Demo

:video_camera: React Developer Tools (Chrome Extension) Demo

:video_camera: Live Search Demo

:video_camera: Mmenu Navigation

Before you Start

I've branched the repo for individual topics.

To see all branches run: git branch --all.

To checkout to individual branch run: git checkout <branch name>. Then check its . From there on you should be good.

Branch Info

Day 1:

  1. :snowflake: 01-add-react-in-a-min : Create a react app in a minute :clock1: using React Scripts
  2. :rocket: 01-create-react-app : Create a React application using create-react-app
  3. :package: 01-react-app-parcel : Create a React application using parcel
  4. :gift: 01-react-app-webpack : Set up React application with using Webpack and Babel

Day 2:

  1. :tanabata_tree: 02-component-types : Types of Components : Class & Functional Components

  2. :dizzy: 02-jsx-examples : Examples of JSX

  3. :snowman: 02-state-and-props : Examples for Component State and Props

  4. :ear_of_rice: 02-hierarchical-components Demo for Parent & Child Component, with state and props.

  5. :crossed_flags: 02-handling-routes Handling routes using @reach/router

  6. :ear_of_rice: 02-get-derived-state-from-props Example for Component Lifecycle method: getDerivedStateFromProps, constructor, forceUpdate

  7. :clipboard: 02-handling-forms Handling forms in react

Day 3:

  1. :package: 03-react-application-example Example for creating React Application with Header Footer Navbar, Display Posts by fetching data from

  2. :snowman: 03-react-app-example2 Example for Adding New posts using when the form is submitted. and api and Handling forms

  3. :dizzy: 03-active-links Example for Active links using Reach router.

  4. :evergreen_tree: 03-higher-order-component Higher Order Component Example

  5. :sweat_drops: 03-pure-component Pure Components Example

  6. :memo: 03-react-memo React memo example

  7. :arrow_right: 03-refs React's Refs example

  8. :palm_tree: 03-context React Context example

React Hooks

  1. :arrow_right: react-hooks React Hooks


  1. :mag_right: live-search-react Realtime search on typing using react and axios. Includes pagination( Onchange Input ).
  2. :iphone: mmenu-react-app Mobile menu Sidebar using Burger Menu


  1. Clone this repo in git clone
  2. cd react-workshop
  3. git checkout branch-name
  4. npm install

You can see the branches and their details listed above.


Please follow the README for individual repositories

Common Commands

  • dev Runs webpack dev server for development ( in watch mode )
  • prod Runs webpack in production mode

Workshop Gallery :sunrise_over_mountains:

  1. Pictures
  2. MeetUp

Tutorial Videos :movie_camera:

  1. React Tutorial Series
  2. React Hooks Series


  1. How to pass a parameter in a event handler?
const handleRemoveProductClick = ( event, productId ) => {
        console.warn( 'Clicked productId', productId );
    <button onClick={ ( event ) => handleRemoveProductClick( event, item.productId )  }>Item</button>

Useful Blogs

  1. SetUp React App with Webpack and Babel

Social Links

  1. Twitter

