Magento2MegaMenu copied to clipboard
Errors during compilation: Jnext\Megamenu\Block\Html\Topmega Incorrect dependency in class Jnext\Megamenu\Block\Html\Topmega in /var/www/html/degstore/releases/20170302030550/vendor/jnext/megamenu/Block/Html/Topmega.php \Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface already exists in context object Jnext\Megamenu\Helper\Data Incorrect dependency in class Jnext\Megamenu\Helper\Data in /var/www/html/degstore/releases/20170302030550/vendor/jnext/megamenu/Helper/Data.php \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface already exists in context...
working is fine on desktop but not display my static block categories which added in the static block it displaying default child category.
Hello, After installing the plugin , megamenu not working just because **"modernizr-2.8.3"** not loaded on sever, is there any solution. Or any other issue in plugin?
After install I have an error. Login to Admin console Select Jnext MegaMenu > Manage Megamenu The Catalog Category page is shown with the spinning icon as if its waiting...
We're building a Magento 2 Cloud site that has cms pages with a nested url structure, such as careers/a-job where careers is a cms page and a-job is a cms...
I just wanted to give it a try and installed this module. When I save the category I now get: Something went wrong while saving the category. Still settings seem...