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Results 130 cobalt issues
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After downloading 5 songs from soundcloud with no problems it started to only download the first 30 seconds. I have tried multiple different songs in both smart and audio only...

Just a question: can it be possible to use for translation for next time? Would be nice instead of edition json files directly

I copied the full en.json to fr.json then remodified all strings to french. It's now fully translated

im still figuring out how pull requests work so idk if creating one everytime i update the translation is the right way to do it, any tips?

MP4's that I download from Youtube won't play in QuickTime and can't be saved to the Photos app. VLC can play it so it's not completely broken, but there's something...

Love this project so thought i should translate it into norwegian for the fellow norwegians out there!

Hi, I translated the website to Turkish. It isn't too formal but chill. If you feel like something is missing, feel free to contribute :3. (this is my first time...

Tested it locally on latest version, and also manually tested script part for tiktok. Looks like it gives an error on step when you're trying to get html body of...