TranAD icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
TranAD copied to clipboard

Thank you for your excellent work

Open smartleizi opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

Thank you for your excellent work, which is of great help to me!! I set my own code environment to be the same as yours. 1 When I run the data processing code, I find that there are two data sets (wadi and MSDS) with problems, which are data missing. python3 preprocess. py SMAP MSL SWaT WADI SMD MSDS UCR MBA NAB

2 When I run the code of the model, the result is better than yours {'FN': 0, 'FP': 158, 'Hit@100%': 1.0, 'Hit@150%': 1.0, 'NDCG@100%': 1.0, 'NDCG@150%': 1.0, 'ROC/AUC': 0.9898156503803017, 'TN': 7599, 'TP': 748, 'f1': 0.9044690371347901, 'precision': 0.8256070549049994, 'recall': 0.9999999866310163, 'threshold': 0.19522593999128435}

smartleizi avatar Aug 19 '22 16:08 smartleizi

Thanks for your interest in our work. 1. For WADI and MSDS please contact dataset owners to get the data. 2. Could you give more details on which model you are using and on what dataset?

shreshthtuli avatar Aug 25 '22 09:08 shreshthtuli

Thank you for your reply! 1 The models and data I run are as follows: python --model TranAD --dataset NAB --retrain

2 I downloaded the other two data and put it in the specified folder according to your method. The data processing was successful.

3 When I run the code, I encounter the following problems. I tried to solve it, but I did not succeed. I need your help.

python3 --model TranAD --dataset MSDS --retrain

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 334, in result, pred = pot_eval(lt, l, ls); preds.append(pred) File "D:\00file2\py_cmdcode\python_test\TranAD\src\", line 147, in pot_eval pred, p_latency = adjust_predicts(score, label, pot_th, calc_latency=True) File "D:\00file2\py_cmdcode\python_test\TranAD\src\", line 45, in adjust_predicts raise ValueError("score and label must have the same length") ValueError: score and label must have the same length

smartleizi avatar Aug 29 '22 09:08 smartleizi

Slight variation in results is expected. Did you follow the readme for the MSDS dataset? We first need to run and then

shreshthtuli avatar Aug 29 '22 12:08 shreshthtuli

Yes, I read it. I first run and then,python --model TranAD --dataset MSDS --retrain

smartleizi avatar Aug 31 '22 08:08 smartleizi