react-native-cn-richtext-editor copied to clipboard
CNRichTextEditor always points to the first index when typing on iOS
CNRichTextEditor will always point to the first index when typing so the typed text will be arranged in reverse order
Hello, Guys. Please Help me. I am same issue.. Please help solve this situation.
I have the same issue. Did anyone find a solution? Please let me know.
this pacakge is deprecated. Use react-native-cn-quill instead.
This issue is related to the RN issue. @imnapo Currently, I don't have the ability to migrate to the quill and have to proceed with this one. Would you be so kind to take a look at my PR
selection={undefined} Add this in Text Input <TextInput {...textInputProps} underlineColorAndroid="rgba(0,0,0,0)" onSelectionChange={this.onSelectionChange} multiline style={[{ color, fontSize: fontSize, paddingTop: 5, paddingBottom: 5, paddingLeft: 2, paddingRight: 2, textAlignVertical: 'top', }, style || {}]} scrollEnabled={false} returnKeyType={returnKeyType || 'next'} keyboardType="default" ref={this.textInput} onChangeText={this.handleChangeText} onKeyPress={this.handleKeyDown} onFocus={this.onFocus} onBlur={this.onBlur} onContentSizeChange={this.handleContentSizeChange} placeholder={this.props.placeholder} selection={undefined} >
In CNTextInput.js File
@umang-bm-ai the solution worked for me. Thank you for the response. but now the issue is stylings are not applicable to text. i.e. if I chose bold or italics the text styles are not reflecting in ios (ipad)