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Creating metadata file for multiple hashed samples
Hi, I have a multiplexed 10x 5' gene expression run (5 samples hashed together) and the TCR/BCR reconstructed using TRUST4. In such a case, where there are multiple samples all within the same file, how would you recommend creating a metadata file that would link the appropriate barcodes with the corresponding sample? That way, I can accurately use the analytical features of immunarch (e.g., grouping by age, disease condition, etc.). Thank you!
I was successful in making the metadata file (using barcodes from my Seurat object to merge with the barcodes from the TRUST4 output).
However, when I convert the TRUST4's *_barcode_report.tsv file to a 10X filtered_contig_annotations files (includes both T and B cell receptors in one file) and try to import it into immunarch, I get the following error:
immdata <- repLoad("immunarch_contigs")
== Step 1/3: loading repertoire files... ==
Processing "immunarch_contigs" ...
-- [1/36] Parsing "immunarch_contigs/Sample_1.tsv" -- 10x (filt.contigs)
Error in while ( && i < 100 && ![i])) { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
I'm not sure what's wrong here - any suggestions would be appreciated. It's similar to This is how the filtered_contig_annotations.csv file for a sample looks like, if it helps:
EDIT: I tried both the dev version and the non-dev recent version of immunarch - had the same issue with both.
I am also having this error occur when reading in my filtered_contig_annotations.csv file. Any luck in figuring this out?