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Change types in XML_ParserStruct
We'll start by planning out changes here, then incrementally make those changes through the codebase.
Raw pointer fields that need replacing:
- [ ]
pub m_userData: *mut c_void
- [ ]
pub m_handlerArg: *mut c_void
- [ ]
pub m_buffer: *mut c_char
- [ ]
pub m_mem: crate::expat_h::XML_Memory_Handling_Suite
- [ ]
pub m_bufferPtr: *const c_char
- [ ]
pub m_bufferEnd: *mut c_char
- [ ]
pub m_bufferLim: *const c_char
- [ ]
pub m_parseEndPtr: *const c_char
- [ ]
pub m_dataBuf: *mut crate::expat_external_h::XML_Char
- [ ]
pub m_dataBufEnd: *mut crate::expat_external_h::XML_Char
- [x]
pub m_startElementHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_StartElementHandler
- [x]
pub m_endElementHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_EndElementHandler
- [x]
pub m_characterDataHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_CharacterDataHandler
- [x]
pub m_processingInstructionHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_ProcessingInstructionHandler
- [x]
pub m_commentHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_CommentHandler
- [x]
pub m_startCdataSectionHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_StartCdataSectionHandler
- [x]
pub m_endCdataSectionHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_EndCdataSectionHandler
- [x]
pub m_defaultHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_DefaultHandler
- [x]
pub m_startDoctypeDeclHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_StartDoctypeDeclHandler
- [x]
pub m_endDoctypeDeclHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_EndDoctypeDeclHandler
- [x]
pub m_unparsedEntityDeclHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_UnparsedEntityDeclHandler
- [x]
pub m_notationDeclHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_NotationDeclHandler
- [x]
pub m_startNamespaceDeclHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_StartNamespaceDeclHandler
- [x]
pub m_endNamespaceDeclHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_EndNamespaceDeclHandler
- [x]
pub m_notStandaloneHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_NotStandaloneHandler
- [x]
pub m_externalEntityRefHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_ExternalEntityRefHandler
- [x]
pub m_externalEntityRefHandlerArg: crate::expat_h::XML_Parser
- [x]
pub m_skippedEntityHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_SkippedEntityHandler
- [x]
pub m_unknownEncodingHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_UnknownEncodingHandler
- [x]
pub m_elementDeclHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_ElementDeclHandler
- [x]
pub m_attlistDeclHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_AttlistDeclHandler
- [x]
pub m_entityDeclHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_EntityDeclHandler
- [x]
pub m_xmlDeclHandler: crate::expat_h::XML_XmlDeclHandler
- [ ]
pub m_encoding: *const crate::src::lib::xmltok::ENCODING
- [x]
pub m_initEncoding: crate::src::lib::xmltok::INIT_ENCODING
- [x]
pub m_internalEncoding: *const crate::src::lib::xmltok::ENCODING
- [ ]
pub m_protocolEncodingName: *const crate::expat_external_h::XML_Char
- [x]
pub m_unknownEncodingMem: *mut c_void
- [ ]
pub m_unknownEncodingData: *mut c_void
- [ ]
pub m_unknownEncodingHandlerData: *mut c_void
- [ ]
pub m_unknownEncodingRelease: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> ()>
- [ ]
pub m_processor: Option<Processor>
- [ ]
pub m_eventPtr: *const c_char
- [ ]
pub m_eventEndPtr: *const c_char
- [ ]
pub m_positionPtr: *const c_char
- [ ]
pub m_openInternalEntities: *mut OPEN_INTERNAL_ENTITY
- [ ]
pub m_freeInternalEntities: *mut OPEN_INTERNAL_ENTITY
- [ ]
pub m_declEntity: *mut ENTITY
- [ ]
pub m_doctypeName: *const crate::expat_external_h::XML_Char
- [ ]
pub m_doctypeSysid: *const crate::expat_external_h::XML_Char
- [ ]
pub m_doctypePubid: *const crate::expat_external_h::XML_Char
- [ ]
pub m_declAttributeType: *const crate::expat_external_h::XML_Char
- [ ]
pub m_declNotationName: *const crate::expat_external_h::XML_Char
- [ ]
pub m_declNotationPublicId: *const crate::expat_external_h::XML_Char
- [ ]
pub m_declElementType: *mut ELEMENT_TYPE
- [ ]
pub m_declAttributeId: *mut ATTRIBUTE_ID
- [ ]
pub m_dtd: *mut DTD
- [ ]
pub m_curBase: *const crate::expat_external_h::XML_Char
- [ ]
pub m_tagStack: *mut TAG
- [ ]
pub m_freeTagList: *mut TAG
- [ ]
pub m_inheritedBindings: *mut BINDING
- [ ]
pub m_freeBindingList: *mut BINDING
- [ ]
pub m_atts: *mut crate::src::lib::xmltok::ATTRIBUTE
- [ ]
pub m_nsAtts: *mut NS_ATT
- [ ]
pub m_tempPool: STRING_POOL
- [ ]
pub m_temp2Pool: STRING_POOL
- [ ]
pub m_groupConnector: *mut c_char
- [ ]
pub m_parentParser: crate::expat_h::XML_Parser
Handler fields were replaced in #9.
, m_unknownEncodingMem
, and m_internalEncoding
were made safe in #19.