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An immediate mode GUI library for LÖVR and LÖVE


An immediate mode GUI library for the LÖVR and LÖVE frameworks.

This is the sister project of lovr-ui (a VR GUI library for lovr). Both projects borrow concepts from the outstanding Dear ImGui library and are inspired by microui, trying to be simple and minimal.

This was formerly 2 different branches, one for each framework. It's now a unified codebase since lovr and love have a very similar API. It has zero depedencies and it is pure Lua, meaning this is not bindings to a "foreign" library (which usually require a specific version of said library to work).


How to use:

See main.lua for minimal and demo implementations. Below is the complete API documentation but some things will make more sense by examining the examples.


  • Button
  • ImageButton
  • TextBox
  • ListBox
  • SliderInt
  • SliderFloat
  • Label
  • CheckBox
  • ToggleButton
  • RadioButton
  • TabBar
  • Dummy
  • ProgressBar
  • CustomWidget
  • Modal window
  • Separator


UI2D.Button(name, width, height, tooltip)

Argument Type Description
name string button's text
width [opt] number button width in pixels
height [opt] number button height in pixels
tooltip [opt] string tooltip text

Returns: boolean, true when clicked.
NOTE: if no width and/or height are provided, the button size will be auto-calculated based on text. Otherwise, it will be set to width X height (with the text centered) or ignored if that size doesn't fit the text.

UI2D.ImageButton(texture, width, height, text, tooltip)

Argument Type Description
texture texture/image texture(lovr) or image(love)
width number image width in pixels
height number image height in pixels
text [opt] string optional text
tooltip [opt] string tooltip text

Returns: boolean , true when clicked.

UI2D.CustomWidget(name, width, height, tooltip)

Argument Type Description
name string custom widget name
width number width in pixels
height number height in pixels
tooltip [opt] string tooltip text

Returns: Pass(lovr) or Canvas(love), boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, number, number, number, number [1] Pass object(lovr) or Canvas(love), [2] clicked, [3] down, [4] released, [5] hovered, [6] mouse X, [7] mouse Y, [8] wheel X, [9] wheel Y
NOTE: General purpose widget for custom drawing/interaction. The returned Pass(lovr) or Canvas(love) can be used to do regular draw-commands. X and Y are the local 2D coordinates of the pointer (0,0 is top,left)

UI2D.TextBox(name, num_visible_chars, text, tooltip)

Argument Type Description
name string textbox name
num_visible_chars number number of visible characters
text string text
tooltip [opt] string tooltip text

Returns: string, boolean [1] text, [2] finished editing.
NOTE: Always assign back to your string variable e.g. mytext = UI2D.TextBox("My textbox, 10, mytext). To do validation on the edited text, check the finished editing return value.

UI2D.ListBox(name, num_visible_rows, num_visible_chars, collection, selected, multi_select, tooltip)

Argument Type Description
name string listbox name
num_visible_rows number number of visible rows
num_visible_chars number number of visible characters on each row
collection table table of strings
selected [opt] number or string selected item index (in case it's a string, selects the 1st occurence of the item that matches the string)
multi_select [opt] boolean whether multi-select should be enabled
tooltip [opt] string tooltip text

Returns: boolean, number, table, [1] true when clicked, [2] selected item index, [3] table of selected item indices (if multi_select is true)
NOTE: The UI2D.ListBoxSetSelected helper can be used to select item(s) programmatically.

UI2D.SliderInt(name, v, v_min, v_max, width, tooltip)

Argument Type Description
name string slider text
v number initial value
v_min number minimum value
v_max number maximum value
width [opt] number total width in pixels of the slider, including it's text
tooltip [opt] string tooltip text

Returns: number, boolean, [1] current value, [2] true when released
NOTE: Always assign back to your slider-value, e.g. myval = UI2D.SliderInt("my slider", myval, 0, 100) If width is provided, it will be taken into account only if it exceeds the width of text, otherwise it will be ignored.

UI2D.SliderFloat(name, v, v_min, v_max, width, num_decimals, tooltip)

Argument Type Description
name string slider text
v number initial value
v_min number minimum value
v_max number maximum value
width [opt] number total width in pixels of the slider, including it's text
num_decimals [opt] number number of decimals to display
tooltip [opt] string tooltip text

Returns: number, boolean, [1] current value, [2] true when released
NOTE: Always assign back to your slider-value, e.g. myval = UI2D.SliderFloat("my slider", myval, 0, 100) If width is provided, it will be taken into account only if it exceeds the width of text, otherwise it will be ignored. If no num_decimals is provided, it defaults to 2.


Argument Type Description
text string label text
compact [opt] boolean ignore vertical margin

Returns: nothing

UI2D.ProgressBar(progress, width, tooltip)

Argument Type Description
progress number progress percentage
width [opt] number width in pixels
tooltip [opt] string tooltip text

Returns: nothing
NOTE: Default width is 300 pixels


Argument Type Description

Returns: nothing
NOTE: Horizontal Separator

UI2D.CheckBox(text, checked, tooltip)

Argument Type Description
text string checkbox text
checked boolean state
tooltip [opt] string tooltip text

Returns: boolean, true when clicked
NOTE: To set the state use this idiom: if UI2D.CheckBox("My checkbox", my_state) then my_state = not my_state end

UI2D.ToggleButton(text, checked, tooltip)

Argument Type Description
text string toggle button text
checked boolean state
tooltip [opt] string tooltip text

Returns: boolean, true when clicked
NOTE: To set the state use this idiom: if UI2D.ToggleButton("My toggle button", my_state) then my_state = not my_state end

UI2D.RadioButton(text, checked, tooltip)

Argument Type Description
text string radiobutton text
checked boolean state
tooltip [opt] string tooltip text

Returns: boolean, true when clicked
NOTE: To set the state on a group of RadioButtons use this idiom: if UI2D.RadioButton("Radio1", rb_group_idx == 1) then rb_group_idx = 1 end if UI2D.RadioButton("Radio2", rb_group_idx == 2) then rb_group_idx = 2 end -- etc...

UI2D.TabBar(name, tabs, idx, tooltip)

Argument Type Description
name string TabBar name
tabs table a table of strings
idx number initial active tab index
tooltip [opt] string tooltip text

Returns: boolean, number, [1] true when clicked, [2] the selected tab index

UI2D.Dummy(width, height)

Argument Type Description
width number width
height number height

Returns: nothing
NOTE: This is an invisible widget useful only to "push" other widgets' positions or to leave a desired gap.

UI2D.Begin(name, x, y, is_modal)

Argument Type Description
name string window title
x number window X position
y number window Y position
is_modal [opt] boolean is this a modal window

Returns: nothing
NOTE: Starts a new window. Every widget call after this function will belong to this window, until UI2D.End() is called. If this is set as a modal window (by passing true to the last argument) you should always call UI2D.EndModalWindow before closing it physically.

UI2D.End(main_pass(lovr) or nothing(love))

Argument Type Description
main_pass Pass the main Pass object(only for lovr)

Returns: nothing
NOTE: Ends the current window.


Argument Type Description

Returns: nothing
NOTE: Places the next widget side-to-side with the last one, instead of bellow


Argument Type Description
name number window name

Returns: number, number, [1] window width, [2] window height
NOTE: If no window with this name was found, return type is nil

UI2D.Init(type, size)

Argument Type Description
type string which framework to use (valid values: "lovr", "love")
size [opt] number font size

Returns: nothing
NOTE: Initializes the library and should be called on lovr/love.load(). Font size dictates the general size of the UI. Default is 14


Argument Type Description

Returns: nothing
NOTE: Should be called on lovr/love.update()

UI2D.RenderFrame(main_pass(only for lovr))

Argument Type Description
main_pass Pass the main Pass object(lovr).

Returns: table of ui passes(lovr) or nothing(love)
NOTE: Renders the UI. Should be called in lovr/love.draw(). (If you're using lovr see the examples on how to handle the passes returned from this call.)

UI2D.OverrideColor(col_name, color)

Argument Type Description
col_name string color name
color table color value in table form (r, g, b, a)

Returns: nothing
NOTE: Helper to override a color value.

UI2D.SetColorTheme(theme, copy_from)

Argument Type Description
theme string or table color name or table with names of colors
copy_from [opt] string color-theme to copy values from

Returns: nothing
NOTE: Sets the color-theme to one of the built-in ones ("dark", "light") if the passed argument is a string. Also accepts a table of colors. If the passed table doesn't contain all of the keys, the rest of them will be copied from the built-in theme of the copy_from argument.


Argument Type Description

Returns: nothing
NOTE: Closes a modal window

UI2D.KeyPressed(key, repeating)

Argument Type Description
key string key name
repeating boolean if the key is repeating instead of an instant press.

Returns: nothing
NOTE: Should be called on lovr/love.keypressed() callback.


Argument Type Description
text string character from a textinput event.

Returns: nothing
NOTE: Should be called on lovr/love.textinput() callback.


Argument Type Description

Returns: nothing
NOTE: Should be called on lovr/love.keyreleased() callback.

UI2D.WheelMoved(x, y)

Argument Type Description
x number wheel X.
y number wheel Y.

Returns: nothing
NOTE: Should be called on lovr/love.wheelmoved() callback.


Argument Type Description

Returns: nothing
NOTE: Whether the mouse-pointer hovers a UI2D window.

UI2D.SetWindowPosition(name, x, y)

Argument Type Description
name string name of the window
x number X position
y number Y position

Returns: boolean, true if the window was found
NOTE: Sets a window's position programmatically.


Argument Type Description

Returns: string, theme name
NOTE: Gets the current color-theme


Argument Type Description
col_name string color name

Returns: nothing
NOTE: Resets a color to its default value


Argument Type Description
size number font size

Returns: nothing
NOTE: Sets the font size


Argument Type Description

Returns: number, font size
NOTE: Gets the current font size


Argument Type Description

Returns: boolean, true if a textbox has focus
NOTE: Gets whether the text of a textbox is currently being edited


Argument Type Description

Returns: boolean, true if a modal window is currently open
NOTE: Gets whether a modal window is currently open


Argument Type Description

Returns: nothing
NOTE: Informs UI2D that a previously open modal-window was closed. You should always call this when closing a modal-window (usually performed from a button inside that window) so that UI2D can restore interaction with the other windows.


Argument Type Description

Returns: nothing
NOTE: If the last widget used the UI2D.SameLine() call, it effectively started a new "column". This function can be called such as the next widget will be placed on that column, under the last widget.

UI2D.ListBoxSetSelected(name, idx)

Argument Type Description
name string listbox name
idx number or table Index of item to be selected, or table of indices (in case this listbox' multi_select property is set to true)

Returns: nothing
NOTE: Sets the selected item(s) of a ListBox programmatically