immich icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
immich copied to clipboard

High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.

Results 956 immich issues
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### Feature detail Hey there! I really like this project! And I think, it would be a really nice addition, if it also supported OpenID-connect for authentication :) ### Platform...

need triage

Protect agains XSS when rendering HTML from "untrusted sources". Currently the HTML is injected through `VITE_LOGIN_PAGE_MESSAGE` env variable, although this might change. Would need to sanitize the HTML before rendering...


### Feature detail I run a standard Nginx-Reverse-Proxy with a self-signed-certificate. So I can access the service with a subdomain like `https://immich.example.local` If I set `VITE_SERVER_ENDPOINT=https://immich.example.local/api` the Web-Container complains, that...


**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. ``` docker-immich_microservices-1 | docker-immich_microservices-1 | > [email protected] prebuild docker-immich_microservices-1 | > rimraf dist docker-immich_microservices-1 | docker-immich_microservices-1 |...


Publish the app to Unraid Community. Follow the guide [here](

help wanted

### Feature detail It should be possible to upload a single photo via mobile app. Something like the upload button from the web version ### Platform Mobile App

nice to have

I mentioned this on Reddit, but the user should be able to define how images are stored on the file system. This will not only allow for the user to...


I am trying to run Immich on my Unraid server using the official Portainer-CE app. Once it's set up, I navigate to http://:2283, I see the favicon load and the...


### Feature detail It would be great if we could select photos from the main "Photos" view and create an album directly from that selection as an alternative to going...


Give users the option for Light, Dark, or Adaptive Theming