Jason Hall

Results 173 issues of Jason Hall

Binaries built using Go 1.18+ have extra info embedded, e.g., for `ko` itself: ``` build -compiler=gc build CGO_ENABLED=0 build CGO_CFLAGS= build CGO_CPPFLAGS= build CGO_CXXFLAGS= build CGO_LDFLAGS= build GOARCH=amd64 build GOOS=darwin...


Instead of the text form we use today. JSON is just better.


Users can sign images produced with `ko publish` using tools like [`cosign`](https://github.com/sigstore/cosign). For example: ``` $ cosign sign -key cosign.key $(ko publish ./) ``` `ko resolve` produces potentially many images,...


``` $ ko version v0.9.4-0.20211208142815-ad0607f0a1eb $ KO_DOCKER_REPO=quay.io/imjasonh ko build ./ 2021/12/13 14:45:40 Using base golang:1.17 for github.com/google/ko 2021/12/13 14:45:41 Building github.com/google/ko for linux/amd64 2021/12/13 14:46:56 Publishing quay.io/imjasonh/ko-98b8c7facdad74510a7cae0cd368eb4e:latest 2021/12/13 14:46:57 pushed...

Go can compile to WASM (`GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm`), and WASM can be packaged into images and executed on K8s clusters using [krustlet](https://krustlet.dev): https://developer.okta.com/blog/2022/01/28/webassembly-on-kubernetes-with-rust So, maybe `ko` can build a WASM executable,...


Cobra has a helper methods which can make shell completion a little nicer: - [`MarkFlagFilename`](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/spf13/cobra#MarkFlagFilename) tells Cobra that the flag represents a filename. This tells the `ko completion` logic to...

good first issue

If I'm `ko publish`ing to a registry/repository that I don't have push permissions to (typo, misconfigured auth, incorrect active `gcloud` user), `ko` can check that and fail before building, using...

good first issue

Watch Mode (i.e, `ko apply --watch`) was added about 2 1/2 years ago, in the old ggcr repo, in https://github.com/google/go-containerregistry/pull/336. We don't collect usage metrics, but based on recommended/documented usage...


`ko`-published images should be annotated with information to help derive provenance, to aid debugging or reproducibility. This information could include: * The go version used to build the binary layer...


Similar to (and possibly to be built upon) https://github.com/golang/go/issues/37475 Images built by ko can automatically be annotated with information about the commit of the source the image was built from....
