bootstrap-brand-buttons icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bootstrap-brand-buttons copied to clipboard

Brand buttons for Bootstrap

Brand buttons for Bootstrap

Brand buttons for Bootstrap


  • Install: npm install bootstrap-brand-buttons
  • Include dist/brand-buttons.min.css to your file: <link rel="stylesheet" src="dist/brand-buttons.min.css">
  • Use as Bootstrap button: <button class="btn btn-facebook">Facebook</button> or <a href="" class="btn btn-facebook">Facebook</a>
  • You can:
  • Use different sizes: btn-xs, btn-sm, btn-lg or btn-block
  • Use with Font Awesome: <a href="" class="btn btn-facebook"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i> Facebook</a>
  • Or anything else you prefer to do with Bootstrap buttons!

Development install

  • Clone repository git clone
  • Install Grunt.js and CoffeeScript (globally): npm install -g grunt-cli coffee-script
  • Go to project cd bootstrap-brand-buttons, install dev dependencies: npm install
  • Run grunt serve or grunt build




You can request new button as issue or pull request. Also I have Gumroad for donate.