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Model query hangs indefinitely with Postgres numeric[] columns

Open z64 opened this issue 6 years ago • 18 comments

Hi there!

I've defined a model, and am simply trying to pull a full instance of it:

pp StarSystem.all.first!

However, this hangs forever with:

StarSystem.all.first! #=> 2017-07-07 23:25:49 -0400:   SELECT e.enumtypid
  FROM pg_type t, pg_enum e
  WHERE t.oid = e.enumtypid
2017-07-07 23:25:49 -0400: SELECT star_systems.*
FROM star_systems

This however works fine:

pp StarSystem.all.count
StarSystem.all.count # => 2017-07-07 23:27:18 -0400:   SELECT e.enumtypid
  FROM pg_type t, pg_enum e
  WHERE t.oid = e.enumtypid
2017-07-07 23:27:18 -0400: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM star_systems


This works too:

pp StarSystem.all.pluck(["name"]) 
StarSystem.all.pluck(["name"]) # => 2017-07-07 23:28:56 -0400:   SELECT e.enumtypid
  FROM pg_type t, pg_enum e
  WHERE t.oid = e.enumtypid
2017-07-07 23:28:56 -0400: SELECT
FROM star_systems


I resolved this issue at one point, but I can't remember how I did it :( According to the specs, this should work fine..

The postgres access logs look normal. I'm unsure, but it looks like it isn't actually running the query.

Something I'm missing?

z64 avatar Jul 08 '17 03:07 z64

will take a look today

imdrasil avatar Jul 10 '17 03:07 imdrasil

@z64 it looks really strange. I've added several tests to match exact requirment and run all test suite with Logger::DEBUG but everything still works. Please paste code snippet to reproduce and crystal version.

imdrasil avatar Jul 10 '17 14:07 imdrasil

Sure. A disclaimer, I've cleaned the verbose-ness of this a bit but haven't pushed the code yet (learning how to use this lib and PG at the same time! :smile: ) but this is basically what I'm working with:


Migration (again, mind my playing / learning, though maybe that's an issue):

Config (it's default, from the README basically):

Not the exact code I'm using, but close, and maybe something will jump out at you in the meantime until I get home later..

I'm using 0.23.

z64 avatar Jul 10 '17 15:07 z64

actually it is strange that you even have opportunity to run any code with jennifer using 0.23 crystal :smile: - they've changed macros inheritance strategy so you should get abstract def Jennifer::Model::Base#primary() must be implemented by Jennifer::Migration::Version exception (as me). This behavior is fixed (I have PR) but is waiting for 0.23.1 release (with fix for this one). But in general there is nothing that could cause this behavior. Add test case reproducing this and ping here.

imdrasil avatar Jul 10 '17 17:07 imdrasil

Perhaps 0.22 then haha. again not at my home PC to check :(

And okay. I'll try to do some more digging later.. :sweat:

I'll also perhaps try running the current spec suite myself. I think that might be easier for me.

z64 avatar Jul 10 '17 17:07 z64

hi @z64 . Finally we get crystal 0.23.1 so we could continue on this one. Do you have any progress on this one?

imdrasil avatar Jul 27 '17 08:07 imdrasil

Hey @imdrasil . The last time I worked on this I was trying to just run your existing specs for to help narrow the issue, but I ran into problems getting it configured correctly to pass the first config spec - it failed with some long exception.


(this is with 0.22 with pg adapter)

I had set ENV["DB_USER"] and ENV["DB_PASSWORD"] correctly for my database and DB to postgres as described in

Haven't had a moment to revisit it since, but if you have any ideas, the exception isn't very telling to me as to what might be wrong.

Also - good idea moving the README docs into the wiki! :+1:

z64 avatar Jul 27 '17 15:07 z64

@z64 it seems like you've missed password or user anyway - I've reproduced this removing setting them. Also values could be wrong or use has no rights to operate with this table. Please check it again and try to open psql with your creds.

imdrasil avatar Jul 30 '17 21:07 imdrasil

@z64 any updates on this one?

imdrasil avatar Aug 14 '17 00:08 imdrasil

Hey there! Sorry for the long delay :disappointed:

I've managed to run the specs after some fiddling with permissions on the postgres side that weren't right. It almost seemed like it was going to be related to #23 , as that's exactly what it does ; "freezes"

323 examples, 0 failures, 0 errors, 34 pending

That done, I'm unsure what else to look at.

The schema & model I'm currently working with:

And freezing with anything like:

StarSystem.where { _name == "Test" }.to_a

I've also tried the v_0.3.4 branch (specs pass on this too)

z64 avatar Aug 27 '17 08:08 z64

So, I took a step back and tried to reproduce the issue using only crystal-pg:

require "pg"

puts "Opening connection"
PG_DB = PG.connect("postgres://traikoa:traikoa@localhost")

puts "Creating table"
PG_DB.exec <<-SQL
  position numeric[]

puts "Inserting values"
PG_DB.exec <<-SQL
INSERT INTO array_test (position) VALUES ('{0.1, 0.2, 0.3}');

puts "Running query"
PG_DB.query_one("select position from array_test") do |rs|
  puts rs

puts "Cleaning up"
PG_DB.exec <<-SQL
DROP TABLE array_test;

puts "Closing connection"

Hangs indefinitely. It would seem to be an issue with coercing numeric[] columns in the driver? Changing this to float[] fixes it :sweat_smile:

Seems I should take this issue to crystal-pg.

z64 avatar Aug 27 '17 10:08 z64

@z64 try it with PG::Numeric instead of Float64.

imdrasil avatar Aug 29 '17 19:08 imdrasil

@z64 Did you try it?

imdrasil avatar Sep 11 '17 18:09 imdrasil

I believe I did, and this threw other exceptions. Don't have access to them right this moment.

It seems like the supported array decoded types are defined here:

    {% for type in %w(Bool Char Int16 Int32 String Int64 Float32 Float64) %}
      def self.decode_array_element(io, t : {{}}.class, dim_info)

And later:

  array_type 1000, Bool
  array_type 1002, Char
  array_type 1005, Int16
  array_type 1007, Int32
  array_type 1009, String
  array_type 1016, Int64
  array_type 1021, Float32
  array_type 1022, Float64

which does not have Numeric or any other special handling for it.

I did open an issue too;

z64 avatar Sep 11 '17 18:09 z64

@z64 hm, what do u think what we should do with this one here? There is no activity in the driver repo so I'm not sure fix for this will arrive soon.

imdrasil avatar Nov 01 '17 07:11 imdrasil

Your call. Workarounds exist using float[] if you don't need the arbitrary precision or you can also use jsonb column ([1, 2.3, 4]). float[] works for my use case.

z64 avatar Nov 01 '17 08:11 z64

At the least, the issue is here and on the driver in case anyone runs into the same problem :sweat_smile:

z64 avatar Nov 01 '17 08:11 z64

I'm thinking what we should do with this - close it or leave opened. As for me this one is a missing funtionality from the pg driver and I can't do with this here nothing.

imdrasil avatar Nov 01 '17 09:11 imdrasil