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Using django user with async frameworks like aiohttp, starlette, etc.

Async Django User

Using django user with async frameworks like aiohttp, starlette etc.

pip install async-django-session async-django-user


Take a look at registration / authorization examples for aiohttp + databases or starlette + asyncpg.



There's two ways of communicating to database available:

  • through databases - which is compatible with most of major RDBMS:
    database = databases.Database(DB_URI)
    await database.connect()
    backend = async_django_user.databases.Backend(database, SECRET_KEY)
  • or directly through asyncpg (PostgreSQL only):
    pool = await asyncpg.create_pool(DB_URI)
    backend = async_django_user.asyncpg.Backend(pool, SECRET_KEY)


To fetch an user from db by its id stored in [django session] there's backend.get_user_from_session method:

user = backend.get_user_from_session(session)

It's lazy so the user data won't be actually fetched until you call its load method. It caches the result, so it's inexpensive to call it multiple times:

await user.load()

User provides dict interface to it's data (eg user["username"]) and a few methods:

  • await user.authenticate(username, password) - checks credentials and populates the user from database if they're valid
  • user.login() - sets session variables logging the user in
  • user.logout() - clears the session data
  • await user.set_password(password) - sets a new password for the user
  • await[fields]) - saves the whole user or a particular set of its fields
  • await register() - saves a new user into db

Frameworks integration

There's built-in middlewares for a few async frameworks to automatically load user of the current request. Take a look at examples folder for:

Running examples

Running the examples you can see different frameworks using the same session and user data.

Install the requirements:

cd examples
pip install -r requirements.txt

Create database and tables:

createdb async_django_session
python migrate

Create a user:

python createsuperuser

Run aiohttp example which uses databases backend:


Run starlette example which uses asyncpg backend:


Run django example:

python runserver