@HofmeisterAn Hi! Sorry to bother, I am just trying it with the latest snapshot version and trying to create a selenium-hub. I'm getting this: Docker API responded with status code=NotFound,...
I am using Docker Community Engine 19.03.5 - I am under a vpn, can that be the issue ? The private registry is not being set up on this project,...
No problem. I m getting the same result anyways..
Makes sense, thanks for the quick response. I will try it out without the VPN. Thanks again!
@mumby0168 I was trying it with 2.2.0-beta, but seems the problem is related to the vpn I am working with.
Is there any updates on this ? I am getting "Security requirements are not satisfied because the security header is not present in the incoming message." when trying to execute...
Using var getColumn = new ETDataExtensionColumn does not throw that error, but I cant retrieve what I need.
Could someone execute this from the package.json script ? I m trying: "test:textbox": "npx playwright test --config=./configs/playwright-web.config.js --project=chromium --grep text1 | text2" "test:textbox": "npx playwright test --config=./configs/playwright-web.config.js --project=chromium -g text1|text2"...
Hi @DigitalFlow , this would be great to have ↑ . Also, I got another question, is there any way to associate user roles with the WebApi class implemented in...
Hi @DigitalFlow , no worries at all! Thanks a lot!