waypoints copied to clipboard
Is this project still Active?
I noticed there haven't been any updates in 2-years. I am looking for a scrolling JavaScript library similar to ScrollMagic or Skrollr. However, none seem to be actively developed. And so far don't incorporate with WebPack builds very well.
Sadly, it looks like it is dead and he doesn't appear to be active on Github at all. His contributions page shows only 4 contributions over the last year.
There are over 1200 forks of waypoints, so it is very popular! Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be an easy way to see which one(s) are currently active.
Also, taking a look at the project, it's pretty fast and solid as it is in the 4.0.1. I haven't any troubles incorporating in my projects so far, and I've been using this guy for over two years.
Anyway, did you find a project that's being actively developed?
Really liked waypoints! But, just evaluating https://github.com/stutrek/scrollMonitor, seems quite stable and solid too. But does not offer all the convenience waypoints had, for example out of the box pinning, or percentage offsets.
Ok, I'm one of those who asked, and worried about waypoints health, so I tried up scrollMonitor, but honestly, waypoints is still by far the better tool of this kind out there. It has all the utilities functions and options one could need. One short thing of scrollMonitor, for example, is that you can only set the offset in pixels, not percentage, nor one of the other 3 methods (5 in total) waypoints exposes. So...
Go for waypoints for now. Absolutely.
Hope it helps some new comers to avoid loose their time trying other libraries. Cheers.
There's also this: https://semantic-ui.com/behaviors/visibility.html
I believe Waypoints is so robust at this point that there’s no need to develop it further — unless a bug comes along the way. ScrollMagic and Skrollr are made for an entirely different use-case (execute Javascript AS you scroll, while Waypoints executes Javascript ONCE you scroll to something), so I wouldn’t get those two confused.
There is at least one bug. I have PR open for it (no test yet though): https://github.com/imakewebthings/waypoints/pull/509, #508
Perhaps @imakewebthings, could hand on maintenance of this repo to someone else?
Perhaps @imakewebthings, could hand on maintenance of this repo to someone else?
Or simply add collaborators.
What about IntersectionObserver https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Intersection_Observer_API? This might make waypoints redundant.
not really redundant, but the remaining work is really not that hard anymore :-) @osopolar
What about IntersectionObserver https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Intersection_Observer_API? This might make waypoints redundant.
If this approach interests you, check out scrollama.
Scrollama appears to be quite good!