imagemin-webp icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
imagemin-webp copied to clipboard

Gif converted but not optimized

Open EmmanuelBeziat opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments


  • imagemin-webp version: 6.0.0


config: [{
	test: /\.(jpe?g|png|gif)/,
	options: {
		quality: 75,
		lossless: false


While the gif files are converted to webp format, there's absolutely zero optimization done on them. The weight remains unchanged. It works for png and jpg without any problem.

By using an external tool (, the optimization is done and the weight reduce significantly.

Did I miss anything in the doc, or is it a bug from the plugin?


EmmanuelBeziat avatar Feb 26 '21 11:02 EmmanuelBeziat