fl_chart copied to clipboard
How to animate in the bars when the chart is first shown?
I would like the bars to start at zero and then animate into their actual positions for the initial set of data.
Please see this example of what I would like to achieve:
Hi there, I like this feature, and we will implement an initial animation for all of the charts ASAP. Thanks for reporting, and stay tuned!
Would love this feature myself as well! For React web applications I used Recharts, which have some really nice intro animations: http://recharts.org/en-US/api
Hi Team, any date decided for adding this to library ?
I second/third/fourth this!
Inspiration: https://dribbble.com/shots/1873362-Squadlance-Concept/attachments/328342
That the actual value animates with the line graph is really cool - I wonder whether this could be part of the solution?
Incredible work! Love this library 👍
Yep, jumping on the bandwagon! This would be awesome
You can do this with Staggered Animations: https://flutter.dev/docs/development/ui/animations/staggered-animations
Any update regarding this feature?
You can do this with Staggered Animations: https://flutter.dev/docs/development/ui/animations/staggered-animations
Thank you!
is there any update regarding this? or is it still Staggered animation that is the way to go? thx for good library btw :)
You can do this with Staggered Animations: https://flutter.dev/docs/development/ui/animations/staggered-animations
Can you please share your code? I am new to flutter animations and unable to figure how to use staggered animations to achieve this.
any updates?
To my understanding, you would have to tween to each coordinate and update each frame, highly opinionated with riverpod and flutter hooks, but this is the code.
final animationController = useAnimationController(
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 400),
List<ItemGraphModel> initialAnimation(List<ItemGraphModel> data) {
final animatedData = <ItemGraphModel>[];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
final tween = Tween<double>(
begin: 0,
end: data[i].num.toDouble(),
curve: Curves.easeOutCubic,
animatedData.add(data[i].copyWith(num: tween.value.toInt()));
return animatedData;
() async {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 200), () {
final data = [
ItemGraphModel(num: 108, date: DateTime(2023, 7, 24, 1, 1, 1)),
ItemGraphModel(num: 153, date: DateTime(2023, 7, 25, 1, 1, 1)),
ItemGraphModel(num: 120, date: DateTime(2023, 7, 26, 1, 1, 1)),
ItemGraphModel(num: 104, date: DateTime(2023, 7, 27, 1, 1, 1)),
ItemGraphModel(num: 155, date: DateTime(2023, 7, 28, 1, 1, 1)),
ItemGraphModel(num: 173, date: DateTime(2023, 7, 29, 1, 1, 1)),
ItemGraphModel(num: 186, date: DateTime(2023, 7, 30, 1, 1, 1))
final animatedData = initialAnimation(data);
..forward(from: 0)
..addListener(() {
final animatedData = initialAnimation(data);
return null;
Hello folks, I gave it a go in this PR (implemented starting animation for line/bar/radar chart). I have included a gif animation for the bar chart to show how it animates from zeroed values to the initially provided ones. https://github.com/imaNNeo/fl_chart/pull/1445
Any progress on this? There's an open PR