
Results 475 comments of ilya-fedin

It's impossible since tdesktop doesn't cache playlists and there's no such server API

При каждом обновлении клиента происходит обновление регистрации обработчика, каждый инстанс клиента будет указывать текущий workdir. Так что какой аккаунт был запущен при последнем обновлении любой из копий клиента, тот и...

Ну можешь создать фич реквест, может кто-нибудь когда-нибудь запилит

Well, we don't have mac hardware, so any help from your side on why this may happen will be highly appreciated

I can suggest the Linux way to get helpful logs: try to run the application from terminal. Both the .app and actual binary inside .app.

> You were having some issues with macOS builds, maybe that is related? Well, 1.4.6 is built with other build method. Previously we used packages from brew, now we're using...

The downside is it builds 6 hours on github actions :rofl:

It's when try to run the .app I guess, what about the actual binary?

Can you overcome that somehow?