ITPullToRefreshScrollView icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ITPullToRefreshScrollView copied to clipboard

ITPullToRefreshScrollView is a subclass of `NSScrollView` with iOS 7 style refreshing


ITPullToRefreshScrollView is a subclass of NSScrollView which allows iOS 7 style refreshing by pulling. ITPullToRefreshScrollView was created for Play by Play, development funded by David Keegan.

Thanks to


Include files in project

ITPullToRefreshScrollView has two submodules. You need to copy the following files:

Files under /ITPullToRefreshScrollView/Classes/

  • ITPullToRefreshScrollView.h
  • ITPullToRefreshScrollView.m
  • ITPullToRefreshClipView.h
  • ITPullToRefreshClipView.m
  • ITPullToRefreshEdgeView.h
  • ITPullToRefreshEdgeView.m
  • DuxScrollViewAnimation.h
  • DuxScrollViewAnimation.m

Files under /Modules/ITProgressIndicator/ITProgressIndicator/Classes/

  • ITProgressIndicator.h
  • ITProgressIndicator.m
  • NSBezierPath+Geometry.h
  • NSBezierPath+Geometry.m

Files under /Modules/NSBKeyframeAnimation/NSBKeyframeAnimation/Classes/NSBKeyframeAnimation/

  • NSBKeyframeAnimation.h
  • NSBKeyframeAnimation.m
  • NSBKeyframeAnimationFunctions.h
  • NSBKeyframeAnimationFunctions.c

Make sure to copy them to the project, and to add them to the target.

Use in a project

Make sure to check out the sample project.

Set the custom class of your scroll view in Interface Builder to ITPullToRefreshScrollView. Next you need to connect a IBOutlet to your scroll view.

@property (assign) IBOutlet ITPullToRefreshScrollView *scrollView;

Then you can configure in code, which edges of the scroll view should be refreshable.

// Make top & bottom refreshable
self.scrollView.refreshableEdges = ITPullToRefreshEdgeTop | ITPullToRefreshEdgeBottom;

To receive notifications from the scroll view, you need to create a delegate. To do this, your delegate class must implement the ITPullToRefreshScrollViewDelegate protocol. You can then implement the following methods.

 *  This method get's invoked when the scroll view started refreshing
 *  @param scrollView - The scroll view that started refreshing
 *  @param edge       - The edge that started refreshing
- (void)pullToRefreshView:(ITPullToRefreshScrollView *)scrollView
   didStartRefreshingEdge:(ITPullToRefreshEdge)edge {

  // Do stuff that takes very long
  // Don't forget to call this line!
  [scrollView stopRefreshingEdge:edge];

 *  This method get's invoked when the scroll view stopped refreshing
 *  @param scrollView - The scroll view that stopped refreshing
 *  @param edge       - The edge that stopped refreshing
- (void)pullToRefreshView:(ITPullToRefreshScrollView *)scrollView
    didStopRefreshingEdge:(ITPullToRefreshEdge)edge {

  // Do UI stuff

To receive notifications, you finally have to set the delegate of the scroll view.

self.scrollView.delegate = self;


To create custom ITPullToRefreshEdgeView subclasses, override the following methods:

// --------------------------
// ------------------- Events
// --------------------------

 *  This method is called when the edge is triggered
 *  @param scrollView - The sender scroll view
- (void)pullToRefreshScrollViewDidTriggerRefresh:(ITPullToRefreshScrollView *)scrollView;

 *  This method is called when the edge is untriggered
 *  @param scrollView - The sender scroll view
- (void)pullToRefreshScrollViewDidUntriggerRefresh:(ITPullToRefreshScrollView *)scrollView;

 *  This method is called when the edge starts refreshing
 *  @param scrollView - The sender scroll view
- (void)pullToRefreshScrollViewDidStartRefreshing:(ITPullToRefreshScrollView *)scrollView;

 *  This method is called when the edge stops refreshing
 *  @param scrollView - The sender scroll view
- (void)pullToRefreshScrollViewDidStopRefreshing:(ITPullToRefreshScrollView *)scrollView;

 *  This method is called when part of the edge view becomes visible
 *  @param scrollView - The sender scroll view
 *  @param progress   - The amount of the edge view that is visible (from 0.0 to 1.0)
- (void)pullToRefreshScrollView:(ITPullToRefreshScrollView *)scrollView didScrollWithProgress:(CGFloat)progress;

// --------------------------
// ------------ Customisation
// --------------------------

 *  Override this to remove the progress indicator and create other components
- (void)installComponents;

 *  The height of the edge view.
 *  Override this method to achieve a custom edge view height.
 *  @return The height of the edge view
- (CGFloat)edgeViewHeight;

 *  Override this method to draw a custom background.
 *  You can also just override `drawRect:` and to all the drawing on your own.
 *  @param The rect which should be drawn on
- (void)drawBackgroundInRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect;