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Add discriminant derive
I'm often running into a case where I'd want to derive discriminant on arbitrary enums. It's even more useful nowadays now that arbitrary_enum_discriminants are stabilized in Rust, so you can customize them and not only use the default order.
For example, deriving errors with associated error codes could then look like:
use num_enum::PrimitiveDiscriminant;
use displaydoc::Display;
use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Display, Debug, Error, PrimitiveDiscriminant)]
pub enum DataStoreError {
/// data store disconnected
Disconnect(#[source] io::Error) = 0x201,
/// the data for key `{0}` is not available
Redaction(String) = 0x205,
/// invalid header (expected {expected:?}, found {found:?})
InvalidHeader {
expected: String,
found: String,
} = 0x300,
/// unknown data store error
Unknown = 0,
fn print_err(err: &DataStoreError) {
eprintln!("Error #{:X}: {}", err.discriminant(), err);
This crate seems like the perfect fit for it since it has all the necessary machinery for dealing with discriminant on enums and would only need one extra trait+derive for the non-owned version of IntoPrimitive