raspiraw copied to clipboard
Raspberry cam 2.1
Fails to make a correct file for me. I'm using raspberry cam 2.1. The tool writes "Processing RAW data..." and creates a 9.7mb dng file, but when I open it with Photoshop, the file looks like some strings of colors, not really a picture. Maybe, that has to do with this tool being done for Camera 1.3 and it's resolution, or something similar?
Edit: not sure your script actually works with the up-to-date true raw output by current raspistill version, though.
I encountered the same issue, but based on this: http://picamera.readthedocs.io/en/release-1.11/recipes2.html#raw-bayer-data-captures a simple change (attached the modified .c file which needs recompiled). solves the issue. raspi_dng.zip This change doesn'-t autodetect the camera version, it assumes it's v2.
Btw - thanks for the original authors for raspi_dng, it's simple and it does the job!
My team came across the same issue and used this solution for a while.
In the end we created our own fork of picamera so that we could skip the DNG step altogether and load the data straight into a numpy array for our Python processing pipeline. If you'd like to do this check out https://github.com/OsmoSystems/picamraw/