objc-run copied to clipboard
test fails for cocoa pod examples
I am not sure why, but I am finding that ./test.bash fails.
When I run:
objc-run examples/MACollectionUtilitiesTest.m
I get the following:
xcodebuild: error: '/var/folders/l2/cj4n3bj156j22cn6k5msw1q40000gn/T/objc-run/0b6253bf45eb307d2110add20440f218/clitest.xcworkspace/' does not exist. objc-run: xcodebuild returned with error
And when I look in the directory where the file is missing, I see this instead:
Podfile Pods clitest-Prefix.pch clitest.xcodeproj main.m
Never mind. I've realized this is because the underlying cocoa pods master repository was corrupt. Destroying it and and then destroying the temporary objc-run directory, and then it worked.
The first time I run the barista,
objc-run barista.m
Installing pod
Analyzing dependencies
Downloading dependencies
Installing Barista (0.0.3)
Installing CocoaAsyncSocket (7.4.1)
Installing GRMustache (6.4.1)
It takes too long, so I cancel and run it again, and I see the same error as yours.
I guess either CocoaPods or Xcode has changed too much. Reopening the issue.
The best way to solve this issue would be to create some kind of builder script, that takes the relevant files from a verbatim Xcode project and places them in the objc-run script. Initially I did this manually, but this doesn't scale if this feature keeps breaking.