I probably should have added that my use for the rotary encoder is an input to a speed controller so I really would like a detent to equate to a...
So just running the test again I can get it to fail on the direction change and not register a reading. Its random as to when it occurs but its...
I am using div=4, that's were I get the almost perfect response but every now and again the test code above fails and the fwd/rev transition is missed. I am...
If I ditched the encoders with physical detents the issue would be un-noticed as the user would never associate a missed physical click.
All of these fwd/rev transitions below worked perfectly, just every now and again that stops working and it need two clicks on the direction change to register a change. CTRL-C...
Thanks for your continued help. I have ripped apart the Mike Teachman state table library and modified it to look more like your asyncio library and its working flawlessly. Tracks...
Thanks again. My mashed up code here:
Well everything says they should be 😄
Could I move all of the encoder logic out of the coro and remove the threadsafeflags and just run the user callback as a coro and create_task? I couldn't get...
Oh boy… this is getting more interesting! I have smd components and have soldered my encoders to a PCB. I think in have enough THC to breadboard and measure the...