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Pure javascript [full-screen] sliding gallery. Multi-serving lazy images. Touch/drag/swipe enabled. AMD ready.
This is a pure javascript slide-show gallery, dependency-free, responsive, serving lazy loading images according to the screen size, hardware accelerated, retina ready, AMD ready, swipe/drag/touch enabled.
Zero element loading has been introduced since version 0.4.2. A fallback gif loader has been implemented for browsers which not support animations.
Inspired by many sources such as:
At the moment this plugin's size is ~15.0 KB minified.
Besides cloning this repo or downloading it, you can either get it through Bower.
bower install elbajs
Include the css into your page:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/elba.css">
Include the script into your page:
<script src="path/to/elba.js"></script>
Add the markup for your gallery:
<figure id="your-carousel" class="elba-carousel">
<figure class="elba" data-src="http://yourpicdefault|http://yourpicdefault@2x" data-src-medium="http://yourpicmedium|http://yourpicmedium@2x" data-src-large="http://yourpiclarge|http://yourpiclarge@2x">
<figure class="elba" data-src="http://yourpicdefault|http://yourpicdefault@2x" data-src-medium="http://yourpicmedium|http://yourpicmedium@2x" data-src-large="http://yourpiclarge|http://yourpiclarge@2x">
As shown above you can optionally set multiple sources depending on the width of the device. A further option is declaring different sources for the same breakpoint, one for normal screens and the other one for retina screens, separating the sources with the default separator '|'.
Then activate the plugin:
var gallery = new Elba( document.getElementById('your-carousel'), {
breakpoints: [
width: 768, // min-width
src: 'data-src-medium'
width: 1080, // min-width
src: 'data-src-large'
###AMD USAGE Since it doesn't have dependencies, just write something like this:
require(['elba'], function(elba){
var gallery = new Elba( document.getElementById('your-carousel'), {
breakpoints: [
width: 768, // min-width
src: 'data-src-medium'
width: 1080, // min-width
src: 'data-src-large'
The width is referred to the width of the gallery container, that can be smaller than the screen, according to your taste
When you make a new Elba class instance, you can override defaults options by passing an object { ... } as the second argument to the constructor.
Available options:
Property | Description | Type | DEFAULT |
separator | Separator between sources for normal screens and retina screens | String | '|' |
breakpoints | Array containing objects having width and src properties. If set to false Elba js will look for just the default data-src attribute | Boolean/Array | false |
container | Setting the parent container's class which will constrain the slide size | String | 'elba-wrapper' |
error | Callback function in case of image unsuccesful load. //TODO | Boolean/Function | false |
success | Callback function in case of image succesful load. //TODO | Boolean/Function | false |
duration | The duration of the sliding animation. Expressed in milliseconds | Number | 1000 |
easing | The easing of the animation. You can pick among 24 pre-set easings: | String | 'easeInOutCubic' |
navigation | Whether to set or not the arrows for the navigation | Boolean | true |
dots | Whether to set or not the dots for the navigation | Boolean | true |
dotsContainer | Append the dots to a custom HTML element by passing its ID | Boolean/String | false |
slideshow | Interval between any slide. Set 0 to disable slideshow. Expressed in milliseconds | Number | 10000 |
preload | Number of pictures you want to load after the visible one has been loaded | Number | 1 |
swipeThreshold | The swiping threshold expressed in pixels. | Number | 60 |
epsilon | The epsilon factor for the Bezier curve ( 0.01 <= epsilon <= 1 ). A smaller epsilon gives you an emphasized easing, a higher epsilon gives you a smoother easing. | Number | 0.2 |
###List of predefined easings
- easeInSine
- easeOutSine
- easeInOutSine
- easeInQuad
- easeOutQuad
- easeInOutQuad
- easeInCubic
- easeOutCubic
- easeInOutCubic
- easeInQuart
- easeOutQuart
- easeInOutQuart
- easeInQuint
- easeOutQuint
- easeInOutQuint
- easeInExpo
- easeOutExpo
- easeInOutExpo
- easeInCirc
- easeOutCirc
- easeInOutCirc
- easeInBack
- easeOutBack
- easeInOutBack
var gallery = new Elba( document.getElementById('your-carousel'),
//Whatever options
* Goes to the next slide.
* @param {String}
* Goes to the previous slide.
* @param {String}
* Goes to the xth slide.
* @param {Number} starting from 1 to the [lenght]
* Starts the slideshow.
* This method temporarly stops the slideshow,
* which is restarted after a click on a navigation button.
* This method permanently stops the slideshow.
* This function returns the current index of the slideshow
* @return {Number}
Not tested yet, but working on all modern browser, IE9+.