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Async ODM on top of asynchronous MongoDB Motor driver.
=========== aiomongodel
.. image:: :target:
.. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status
An asynchronous ODM similar to PyMODM
_ on top of Motor
_ an asynchronous
Python MongoDB
_ driver. Works on Python 3.5
and up. Some features
such as asynchronous comprehensions require at least Python 3.6
. aiomongodel
can be used with asyncio
_ as well as with Tornado
Usage of session
requires at least MongoDB version 4.0.
.. _PyMODM: .. _Motor: .. _MongoDB: .. _asyncio: .. _Tornado:
Install aiomongodel
using pip
pip install aiomongodel
Read the docs
.. _docs:
Getting Start
To create a model just create a new model class, inherit it from
class, list all the model fields and place
a Meta
class with model meta options. To create a subdocument, create
a class with fields and inherit it from aiomongodel.EmbeddedDocument
.. code-block:: python
from datetime import datetime
from pymongo import IndexModel, DESCENDING
from aiomongodel import Document, EmbeddedDocument
from aiomongodel.fields import (
StrField, BoolField, ListField, EmbDocField, RefField, SynonymField,
IntField, FloatField, DateTimeField, ObjectIdField)
class User(Document):
_id = StrField(regex=r'[a-zA-Z0-9_]{3, 20}')
is_active = BoolField(default=True)
posts = ListField(RefField('models.Post'), default=lambda: list())
quote = StrField(required=False)
# create a synonym field
name = SynonymField(_id)
class Meta:
collection = 'users'
class Post(Document):
# _id field will be added automatically as
# _id = ObjectIdField(defalut=lambda: ObjectId())
title = StrField(allow_blank=False, max_length=50)
body = StrField()
created = DateTimeField(default=lambda: datetime.utcnow())
views = IntField(default=0)
rate = FloatField(default=0.0)
author = RefField(User, mongo_name='user')
comments = ListField(EmbDocField('models.Comment'), default=lambda: list())
class Meta:
collection = 'posts'
indexes = [IndexModel([('created', DESCENDING)])]
default_sort = [('created', DESCENDING)]
class Comment(EmbeddedDocument):
_id = ObjectIdField(default=lambda: ObjectId())
author = RefField(User)
body = StrField()
# `s` property of the fields can be used to get a mongodb string name
# to use in queries
assert User._id.s == '_id'
assert == '_id' # name is synonym
assert Post.title.s == 'title'
assert == 'user' # field has mongo_name
assert Post.comments.body.s == 'comments.body' # compound name
.. code-block:: python
from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient
async def go(db):
# create model's indexes
await User.q(db).create_indexes()
# create using save
# Note: if do_insert=False (default) save performs a replace
# with upsert=True, so it does not raise if _id already exists
# in db but replace document with that _id.
u = await User(name='Alexandro').save(db, do_insert=True)
assert == 'Alexandro'
assert u._id == 'Alexandro'
assert u.is_active is True
assert u.posts == []
assert u.quote is None
# using query
u = await User.q(db).create(name='Ihor', is_active=False)
# get by id
u = await User.q(db).get('Alexandro')
assert == 'Alexandro'
# find
users = await User.q(db).find({User.is_active.s: True}).to_list(10)
assert len(users) == 2
# using for loop
users = []
async for user in User.q(db).find({User.is_active.s: False}):
assert len(users) == 1
# in Python 3.6 an up use async comprehensions
users = [user async for user in User.q(db).find({})]
assert len(users) == 3
u = await User.q(db).get('Ihor')
u.is_active = True
assert (await User.q(db).get('Ihor')).is_active is True
# using update (without data validation)
# object is reloaded from db after update.
await u.update(db, {'$push': {User.posts.s: ObjectId()}})
u = await User.q(db).get('Ihor')
await u.delete(db)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
client = AsyncIOMotorClient(io_loop=loop)
db = client.aiomongodel_test
Use model's validate
method to validate model's data. If
there are any invalid data an aiomongodel.errors.ValidationError
will raise.
.. note::
Creating model object or assigning it with invalid data does
not raise errors! Be careful while saving model without validation.
.. code-block:: python
class Model(Document):
name = StrField(max_length=7)
value = IntField(gt=5, lte=13)
data = FloatField()
def go():
m = Model(name='xxx', value=10, data=1.6)
# validate data
# should not raise any error
# invalid data
# note that there are no errors while creating
# model with invalid data
invalid = Model(name='too long string', value=0)
except aiomongodel.errors.ValidationError as e:
assert e.as_dict() == {
'name': 'length is greater than 7',
'value': 'value should be greater than 5',
'data': 'field is required'
# using translation - you can translate messages
# to your language or modify them
translation = {
"field is required": "This field is required",
"length is greater than {constraint}": ("Length of the field "
"is greater than "
"{constraint} characters"),
# see all error messages in ValidationError docs
# for missed messages default messages will be used
assert e.as_dict(translation=translation) == {
'name': 'Length of the field is greater than 7 characters',
'value': 'value should be greater than 5',
'data': 'This field is required'
.. code-block:: python
async def go(db):
# find returns a cursor
cursor = User.q(db).find({}, {'_id': 1}).skip(1).limit(2)
async for user in cursor:
assert user.is_active is None # we used projection
# find one
user = await User.q(db).find_one({ 'Alexandro'})
assert == 'Alexandro'
# update
await User.q(db).update_many(
{User.is_active.s: True},
{'$set': {User.is_active.s: False}})
# delete
await User.q(db).delete_many({})
Models Inheritance
A hierarchy of models can be built by inheriting one model from another.
A aiomongodel.Document
class should be somewhere in hierarchy for model
adn aiomongodel.EmbeddedDocument
for subdocuments.
Note that fields are inherited but meta options are not.
.. code-block:: python
class Mixin:
value = IntField()
class Parent(Document):
name = StrField()
class Child(Mixin, Parent):
# also has value and name fields
rate = FloatField()
class OtherChild(Child):
# also has rate and name fields
value = FloatField() # overwrite value field from Mixin
class SubDoc(Mixin, EmbeddedDocument):
# has value field
Models Inheritance With Same Collection
.. code-block:: python
class Mixin:
is_active = BoolField(default=True)
class User(Mixin, Document):
_id = StrField()
role = StrField()
name = SynonymField(_id)
class Meta:
collection = 'users'
def from_mongo(cls, data):
# create appropriate model when loading from db
if data['role'] == 'customer':
return super(User, Customer).from_mongo(data)
if data['role'] == 'admin':
return super(User, Admin).from_mongo(data)
class Customer(User):
role = StrField(default='customer', choices=['customer']) # overwrite role field
address = StrField()
class Meta:
collection = 'users'
default_query = {User.role.s: 'customer'}
class Admin(User):
role = StrField(default='admin', choices=['admin']) # overwrite role field
rights = ListField(StrField(), default=lambda: list())
class Meta:
collection = 'users'
default_query = {User.role.s: 'admin'}
.. code-block:: python
from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient
async def go(db):
# create collection before using transaction
await User.create_collection(db)
async with await db.client.start_session() as session:
async with s.start_transaction():
# all statements that use session inside this block
# will be executed in one transaction
# pass session to QuerySet
await User.q(db, session=session).create(name='user') # note session param
# pass session to QuerySet method
await User.q(db).update_one(
{ 'user'},
{'$set': {User.is_active.s: False}},
session=session) # note session usage
assert await User.q(db, session).count_documents({ 'user'}) == 1
# session could be used in document crud methods
u = await User(name='user2').save(db, session=session)
await u.delete(db, session=session)
raise Exception() # simulate error in transaction block
except Exception:
# transaction was not committed
assert await User.q(db).count_documents({ 'user'}) == 0
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
client = AsyncIOMotorClient(io_loop=loop)
db = client.aiomongodel_test
The library is licensed under MIT License.