homebridge-fibaro-home-center copied to clipboard
Yubii Home support
Do you support the Yubii Home which is very close to the FC3 lite.
I tried with the last version, it doesn't work. No accessories loaded in the HomeBridge.
@coucou2000, is the plugin able to connect to your Subii Home ? Unfortunately I do not have such a device.
@ilcato, yes the plugin is able to connect to my Yubii Home without problem, but no device loaded neither in the HomeBridge interface, nor in the Apple Homekit application. Here is exemple log :
[3/1/2022, 5:47:39 PM] [Homebridge UI] Changes to config.json saved. [3/1/2022, 5:47:39 PM] [Homebridge UI] Running Command: npm uninstall --save homebridge-fibaro-hc3 [3/1/2022, 5:47:44 PM] [Homebridge UI] Homebridge restart request received [3/1/2022, 5:47:44 PM] [Homebridge UI] UI / Bridge settings have not changed; only restarting Homebridge process [3/1/2022, 5:47:44 PM] [Homebridge UI] Sending SIGTERM to Homebridge [3/1/2022, 5:47:44 PM] Got SIGTERM, shutting down Homebridge... [3/1/2022, 5:47:49 PM] [HB Supervisor] Homebridge Process Ended. Code: 143, Signal: null [3/1/2022, 5:47:54 PM] [HB Supervisor] Restarting Homebridge... [3/1/2022, 5:47:54 PM] [HB Supervisor] Starting Homebridge with extra flags: -I -P /homebridge/node_modules [3/1/2022, 5:47:54 PM] [HB Supervisor] Started Homebridge v1.4.0 with PID: 5581 [3/1/2022, 5:47:55 PM] Loaded config.json with 1 accessories and 2 platforms. [3/1/2022, 5:47:55 PM] Loaded 0 cached accessories from cachedAccessories. [3/1/2022, 5:47:55 PM] --- [3/1/2022, 5:47:56 PM] Loaded plugin: [email protected] [3/1/2022, 5:47:56 PM] Registering accessory 'homebridge-dummy.DummySwitch' [3/1/2022, 5:47:56 PM] --- [3/1/2022, 5:47:56 PM] Loaded plugin: [email protected] [3/1/2022, 5:47:56 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-fibaro-home-center.FibaroHC' [3/1/2022, 5:47:56 PM] --- [3/1/2022, 5:47:56 PM] Loaded plugin: [email protected] [3/1/2022, 5:47:56 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-config-ui-x.config' [3/1/2022, 5:47:56 PM] --- [3/1/2022, 5:47:56 PM] Loading 2 platforms... [3/1/2022, 5:47:56 PM] [Config] Initializing config platform... [3/1/2022, 5:47:56 PM] [Config] Running in Service Mode [3/1/2022, 5:47:56 PM] [FibaroHC] Initializing FibaroHC platform... [3/1/2022, 5:47:57 PM] Loading 1 accessories... [3/1/2022, 5:47:57 PM] [Test] Initializing DummySwitch accessory... [3/1/2022, 5:47:57 PM] [Test] Setting switch to false Setup Payload: X-HM://0023ISYWYSHME Enter this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:
│ 053-76-381 │
[3/1/2022, 5:47:57 PM] Homebridge v1.4.0 (HAP v0.10.0) (Homebridge E7E3) is running on port 52014. [3/1/2022, 5:47:57 PM] [FibaroHC] Loading accessories
@coucou2000, are you able to call the rest api from the Yubii interface ?
@ilcato can you show me how to do it ?
@coucou2000, in the lower left-hand corner of the interface there are four buttons: Settings, Console, API documentation, Support. Select API documentation and access the interactive REST API documentation interface (Swagger).
From there you can call all the API. I'm interesting in what happens by calling the get devices api.
@ilcato when i click Swagger button, it begins to load the page. But for a few minutes, it's always in the loading status with the blanc page. Nothing appears in the page.
@ilcato I finally got the page loaded, i tried the GET /devices API, it seems OK with the 200 return code, here is a part of the result :
[ { "id": 1, "name": "zwave", "roomID": 219, "view": [], "type": "com.fibaro.zwavePrimaryController", "baseType": "", "enabled": true, "visible": false, "isPlugin": false, "parentId": 0, "viewXml": false, "configXml": false, "interfaces": [ "zwave" ], "properties": { "UIMessageSendTime": 0, "autoConfig": 0, "configured": true, "date": "a", "dead": false, "deviceControlType": 1, "deviceIcon": 28, "deviceRole": "Other", "disabled": 1, "emailNotificationID": 0, "emailNotificationType": 0, "endPoint": 0, "endPointId": 0, "liliOffCommand": "", "liliOnCommand": "", "log": "", "logTemp": "", "manufacturer": "", "markAsDead": true, "model": "", "nodeID": 1, "nodeId": 1, "parameters": [], "parametersTemplate": 0, "pollingDeadDevice": false, "pollingTime": 1354829138, "pollingTimeNext": 1354837724, "pollingTimeSec": 125, "productInfo": "", "pushNotificationID": 0, "pushNotificationType": 0, "remoteGatewayId": 0, "requestNodeNeighborStat": 0, "requestNodeNeighborStatTimeStemp": "", "requestNodeNeighborState": "", "requestNodeNeighborStateTimeStemp": "", "saveLogs": true, "serialNumber": "", "showChildren": 1, "smsNotificationID": 0, "smsNotificationType": 0, "status": "STAT_IDLE", "sunriseHour": "06:39", "sunsetHour": "17:30", "useTemplate": true, "userDescription": "", "value": 0, "zwaveBuildVersion": "3.67", "zwaveCompany": "Unknown", "zwaveInfo": "", "zwaveRegion": "EU", "zwaveVersion": "4.33" }, "actions": { "pollingDeadDevice": 1, "pollingTimeSec": 1, "reconfigure": 0, "requestNodeNeighborUpdate": 1, "turnOff": 0, "turnOn": 0 }, "created": 1643742562, "modified": 1643742562, "sortOrder": 1 }, { "id": 2, "name": "admin", "roomID": 219, "view": [], "type": "HC_user", "baseType": "com.fibaro.voipUser", "enabled": true, "visible": true, "isPlugin": false, "parentId": 0, "viewXml": false, "configXml": false, "interfaces": [ "voip" ],
How many ids are returned?
@ilcato in all, 12 ids were returned.
@coucou2000, can you list the "type" attributes ?
@ilcato :
com.fibaro.zwavePrimaryController HC_user com.fibaro.yrWeather com.fibaro.niceEngine iOS_device com.fibaro.remoteBaseShutter com.fibaro.ipCamera
for the moment, I just have a few electric shutters from the NICE brand.
@coucou2000, ok: none of these devices are currently supported by the plugin. What are com.fibaro.niceEngine and com.fibaro.remoteBaseShutter ?
@ilcato for the moment, I just have a few remote electric shutters from the NICE brand. I suppose it's not supported currently ?
@ilcato for the moment, I just have a few remote electric shutters from the NICE brand. I suppose it's not supported currently ?
I only support roller shutter devices. Share the entire com.fibaro.remoteBaseShutter structure in order to understand if it's easy to manage.
@ilcato in fact, it's a roller shutter device made by NICE using NICE 433MHz technology, it's also implemented in Fibaro HC3 :
https://manuals.fibaro.com/knowledge-base-browse/gateway-comparison/ https://www.niceforyou.com/en/solutions/automation-for-shutters.
@coucou2000, can you test 1.2.8-beta.2 ?
@ilcato super, it works !
Just a question, i can up/down the shutter but can not have the STOP button. It's normal ?
yes. You can also use Siri to tell the % level to reach.
i can use Siri to up/down completely the shutter, but when i asked to reach the % level, nothing happened, the commande is just ignored.
How do you spell it?
I am French-speaking, for example, once translated, I ask SIRI to "lower the shutter of the living room to 50%"
With the Fibaro roller shutter it works. Can you post the entire message of the com.fibaro.remoteBaseShutter device ?
which message exacte do u want to look ? The following is the last log i got :
[3/2/2022, 2:24:59 PM] [FibaroHC] Command: setValue, value: 50, to: 39
I asked SIRI to lower the shutter to 50%. Visibly, the commande is taken into account by the plugin. But no action taken by my shutter (id 39). Perhaps the shutter dosen't support this feature ?
No, I mean the one obtained from the API, like:
{ "id": 1, "name": "zwave", "roomID": 219, "view": [], "type": "com.fibaro.zwavePrimaryController", "baseType": "", "enabled": true, "visible": false, "isPlugin": false, "parentId": 0, "viewXml": false, "configXml": false, "interfaces": [ "zwave" ],
{ "id": 33, "name": "Volet", "roomID": 221, "view": [ { "assetsPath": "/dynamic-plugins/com.fibaro.remoteBaseShutter/assets", "jsPath": "/dynamic-plugins/com.fibaro.remoteBaseShutter", "name": "com.fibaro.remoteBaseShutter", "translatesPath": "/dynamic-plugins/com.fibaro.remoteBaseShutter/i18n", "type": "ts" } ], "type": "com.fibaro.remoteBaseShutter", "baseType": "com.fibaro.remoteController", "enabled": true, "visible": true, "isPlugin": false, "parentId": 7, "viewXml": false, "configXml": false, "interfaces": [ "nice", "niceMono" ], "properties": { "buttonHold": 5000, "categories": [ "blinds", "remotes" ], "configuration": true, "dead": false, "deadReason": "", "deviceControlType": 53, "deviceIcon": 218, "deviceRole": "BlindsWithoutPositioning", "inputToChannelMap": { "close": [ 3 ], "open": [ 1 ], "partialOpen1": [], "step": [], "stop": [ 2 ], "toggleCh1": [], "toggleCh2": [], "turnOffCh1": [], "turnOffCh2": [], "turnOnCh1": [], "turnOnCh2": [], "unsupported": [] }, "log": "", "logTemp": "", "manufacturer": "NICE", "model": "", "niceId": 2, "niceProtocol": "Opera0", "numberOfSupportedButtons": 8, "saveLogs": true, "supportedDeviceRoles": [ "BlindsWithoutPositioning", "VenetianBlinds", "Awning" ], "userDescription": "" }, "actions": { "close": 0, "open": 0, "stop": 0 }, "created": 1646228877, "modified": 1646228877, "sortOrder": 7 },
Let me check tonight how the Fibaro Roller shutter is different from this perspective.
Thanks a lot. Alternatively, it would be better if it's possible to implement the 3rd STOP button as done in the HC3 gateway.
Unfortunately the Home app doesn't expose the stop UI.
Ok, hope Apple will open the function for the future.