homebridge-Fibaro-HC2 copied to clipboard
Botton ON/OFF position
I found a workaround to solve the problem of global variables and non-superuser users. I created a VD that launches the scene, where global variables are declared. At this point I created a new user with only VD permissions, so that only the necessary VDs are on HomeKit. everything works. The problem is the button in the Home application: as soon as it is picked up it lights up (ON status) but immediately after it returns to the OFF state and turns off. Is it possible to make sure that if the button is active this is in the ON position and remains there until I press it again to go to the OFF position? Grazie Marco
The VD buttons are currently mapped to push buttons.
Ok. But in this condition I don’t know if the VD is in state ON or OFF.
s it possible to change it so that it keeps up?
No for this kind of devices. Remember me the problem with the global variables, please.
The problem is the GlobalVariable that only a superuser can update the values. But if I configure a superuser on config on plugin, it exposes all devices (VD, HC2 Plugin, Scenes). I would to exposes only few elements on Home Application. So, I found the workaround, but the button stay always on OFF position, so I don't know if it is really on OFF position or not.
Is it possibile to configure as a Switch? same, for example, the ifttt plugin.
A new interface must be implemented. I inserted it into the backlog.
OK. Thanks.
I wait...
Any news?
no news?
any news?
+1 on this, would like to have this too.