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Heating / Cooling Panels as Thermostats
Is it possible to expose heating and cooling zones as thermostats in the home app the same way they appear in the Fibaro App?
The API lists that the heating and cooling panels (zones) support all methods GET, DELETE, POST, PUT
URL: /api/panels/heating
Description: Returns a list of heating zones and their settings, such as temperature sets.
URL: /api/panels/cooling
Description: Returns a list of cooling zones and their settings, such as temperature sets.
I already explored this opportunity but I didn’t find suitable actions. Can you check too?
Will try of course. I will get familiar with the code first.
Can you please guide me on the challenges you faced while checking this so I can continue from there..
Will check tonight
Hello !
I did some REST test requests and I confirm that you can change the zone "handTemperature" via the API which could expose the heating and cooling panels as thermostats in the home app I hope.
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <hash>
cache-control: no-cache
Postman-Token: fd3f70b6-4b4d-40af-9c7a-66851f677b4f
{"mode":"Manual","properties": {"handTemperature":5}}------WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW--```
@carlittoer, I'm still not able to set the handTemperature of the panel. Can you confirm that your are using a PUT request to /panels/heating/{heatingID} with a body of:
{"mode":"Manual","properties": {"handTemperature":5}}
@carlittoer, I also need to set the handTimestamp value in order to set the Manual mode; I'm not able to find a call to return to Schedule mode.
Ok, to return to schedule mode I need to set handTemperature and handTimestamp to 0. I think that I have all the elements to implement an HomeKit thermostat on top of the heating zones.
oh great ! This could also work with cooling panels as well for air conditioners :)
Thanks man... can't wait ;)
@carlittoer, I'm still not able to set the handTemperature of the panel. Can you confirm that your are using a PUT request to /panels/heating/{heatingID} with a body of:
{"mode":"Manual","properties": {"handTemperature":5}}
Yes it was a put request with the same data load...
Question, do you think 1 thermostat could have the heating mode control the heating panel and cooling mode control the cooling panel?
I think so
Are you planning to release this soon? Thanks.
Very busy atm
Hi ! I know you're busy. Just checking if this is scheduled for sometime soon :)
Next season :-)
Hi! Winter is coming :)
Will it be possible to have the panels work as thermostats ?
Still very busy ...
Hi !
Would love to see this implemented this year ...
I can help with testing.