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100 Days of Python Programming
100 days of Python
Following the initiative of my friend Helber Belmiro, who is almost done with his 100 days of Java, I have decided to start my 100 days of Python.
For the next 100 days I will be posting commented Python code snippets to this repository and sharing these snippets on social media.
- Binding names to objects
- Playing with different types
- Operations with variables
- Handling keyboard input
- Printing things in many different ways
- Simple if statement
- If-else statement
- If-elif-else statement
- Lists!
- Dictionaries!
- Sets!
- Loops: simple while loop
- The range function
- for statement
- break and continue
- List Comprehensions
- Dictionary Comprehensions
- Complex and imaginary numbers
- functions
- moar functions
- Generators
- map and filter
- zip tricks
- sorted
- permutations and combinations
- while ... else
- for ... else
- doctest
- exceptions
- handling exceptions
- more filter
- working with files (the classic way)
- working with files (the good way)
- try..except..finally
- playing with recursive functions (anagrams)
- decorators
- classes
- classmethods
- classes with custom instance methods
- simple inheritance
- multiple inheritance
- private attributes?
- getters and setters and property
- dunder magic methods
- iterators
- with statement with classes
- GraphQL with strawberry
- monkey patching
- non-recursive anagram checker
- most common element
- 3-6-9 and clap!
- Checking powers of two
- base 3 to integer
- number of bits
- monotonic sequences
- largest substring between 2= Characters
- reverse words in a string
- k prefix