Ian Kirker
Ian Kirker
Does this come out of our/ISD's budget, or do we still get chemistry and physics to club together to pay for it?
Note: there's a mistake in the instructions on the NGC. They've put underscores in the listed tags instead of hyphens. So: ``` # Correct export NAMD_TAG=3.0-alpha3-singlenode # Incorrect export NAMD_TAG=3.0_alpha3-singlenode...
``` $ curl -sLO http://opengene.org/fastp/fastp && chmod +x ./fastp && ./fastp --version fastp 0.23.4 ``` "Didn't work" == `-bash: ./fastp: Permission denied` or `-bash: fastp: command not found`?
Grabbed the 5.0.3 binaries and manual off their annoying forum, and deposited in the `/shared/ucl/apps/pkg-store` directories on all clusters (with appropriate permissions). I got the shared and static versions, but...
The Tinker-HP license states that we need prior written consent from one of the TCDC people to make Tinker-HP available to any third-party user -- which on Young is every...
@aephil That'd be very helpful, thank you. I'm not sufficiently senior to sign off for legal things on behalf of UCL, but I think either that kind of declaration, or...
I've sorted out the licensing, and installed the 1.2 CPU version. ``` module load tinker-hp/1.2/intel-2018 ``` I'm still working out the dependencies for the GPU version.
Created an Ubuntu 24.01 (Noble) container with the base OOD desktop package set, and every single thing the installer asked for, as far as I can tell, and installed the...
Tried 2024-3 release just in case it solved this problem. It doesn't.
This lets any support person perform authenticated actions on GitHub as you, because of the OAuth token it drops in plaintext in your home directory. I'm not really sure that...