M3U8Decoder copied to clipboard
M3U8 playlist decoder for Swift.
Decoder for Media Playlist of HTTP Live Streaming using Decodable
- Overview
- Key decoding strategy
- Data decoding strategy
- Predefined types
- Custom tags and attributes
- Combine
- async/await
- Installation
- License
The example below shows how to decode an instance of a simple Playlist
type from a provided text of Media Playlist. The type adopts Decodable
so that it’s decodable using a M3U8Decoder
import M3U8Decoder
struct Playlist: Decodable {
let extm3u: Bool
let ext_x_version: Int
let ext_x_targetduration: Int
let ext_x_media_sequence: Int
let extinf: [EXTINF]
let comments: [String]
let uris: [String]
let m3u8 = """
## Created with Unified Streaming Platform
#EXTINF:13.333,Sample artist - Sample title
let decoder = M3U8Decoder()
let playlist = try decoder.decode(Playlist.self, from: m3u8)
print(playlist.extm3u) // Prints: true
print(playlist.ext_x_version) // Prints: 7
print(playlist.ext_x_targetduration) // Prints: 10
print(playlist.ext_x_media_sequence) // Prints: 2680
print(playlist.extinf[0].duration) // Prints: 13.33
print(playlist.extinf[0].title!) // Prints: Sample artist - Sample title
print(playlist.comments[0]) // Prints: Created with Unified Streaming Platform
print(playlist.uris[0]) // Prints: http://example.com/low.m3u8
is predefined type for#EXTINF
playlist tag. (See Predefined types) -
contains all lines that begin with#
. -
contains all URI lines that identifies a Media Segments or a Playlist files.
can also decode from Data
and URL
instances both synchonously and asynchronously e.g.:
import M3U8Decoder
struct MasterPlaylist: Decodable {
let extm3u: Bool
let ext_x_version: Int
let ext_x_independent_segments: Bool
let ext_x_media: [EXT_X_MEDIA]
let ext_x_stream_inf: [EXT_X_STREAM_INF]
let ext_x_i_frame_stream_inf: [EXT_X_I_FRAME_STREAM_INF]
let uris: [String]
var variantStreams: [(inf: EXT_X_STREAM_INF, uri: String)] {
Array(zip(ext_x_stream_inf, uris))
let url = URL(string: "https://devstreaming-cdn.apple.com/videos/streaming/examples/img_bipbop_adv_example_fmp4/master.m3u8")!
let decoder = M3U8Decoder()
decoder.decode(MasterPlaylist.self, from: url) { result in
switch result {
case let .success(playlist):
print(playlist.ext_x_independent_segments) // Prints: true
print(playlist.variantStreams.count) // Prints: 24
print(playlist.variantStreams[0].inf.average_bandwidth!) // Prints: 2168183
print(playlist.variantStreams[0].inf.resolution!) // Prints: RESOLUTION(width: 960, height: 540)
print(playlist.variantStreams[0].inf.frame_rate!) // Prints: 60.0
print(playlist.variantStreams[0].uri) // Prints: v5/prog_index.m3u8
case let .failure(error):
Key decoding strategy
The strategy to use for automatically changing the value of keys before decoding.
It's default strategy to convert playlist tag and attribute names to snake case.
- Converting keys to lower case.
- Replaces all
becomes ext_x_targetduration
Converting playlist tag and attribute names to camel case.
- Converting keys to lower case.
- Capitalises the word starting after each
- Removes all
becomes extXTargetduration
struct Media: Decodable {
let type: String
let groupId: String
let name: String
let language: String?
let instreamId: String?
struct Playlist: Decodable {
let extm3u: Bool
let extXVersion: Int
let extXIndependentSegments: Bool
let extXMedia: [Media]
let m3u8 = """
let decoder = M3U8Decoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .camelCase
let playlist = try decoder.decode(Playlist.self, from: m3u8)
print(playlist.extXVersion) // Prints: 7
print(playlist.extXIndependentSegments) // Prints: true
print(playlist.extXMedia[0].type) // Prints: CLOSED-CAPTIONS
print(playlist.extXMedia[0].groupId) // Prints: cc
custom((_ key: String) -> String)
Provide a custom conversion from a tag or attribute name in the playlist to the keys specified by the provided function.
struct Media: Decodable {
let type: String
let group_id: String
let name: String
let language: String?
let instream_id: String?
struct Playlist: Decodable {
let m3u: Bool
let version: Int
let independent_segments: Bool
let media: [Media]
let m3u8 = """
let decoder = M3U8Decoder()
// `EXT-X-INDEPENDENT-SEGMENTS` bacomes `independent_segments`
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .custom { key in
.replacingOccurrences(of: "ext", with: "")
.replacingOccurrences(of: "-x-", with: "")
.replacingOccurrences(of: "-", with: "_")
let playlist = try decoder.decode(Playlist.self, from: m3u8)
print(playlist.version) // Prints: 7
print(playlist.independent_segments) // Prints: true
print(playlist.media[0].type) // Prints: CLOSED-CAPTIONS
print(playlist.media[0].group_id) // Prints: cc
Data decoding strategy
The strategy to use for decoding Data
Decode the Data
from a hex string (e.g. 0xa2c4f622...
). This is the default strategy.
Decoding #EXT-X-KEY
tag with IV
attribute where data is represented in hex string:
struct Playlist: Decodable {
let extm3u: Bool
let ext_x_version: Int
let ext_x_key: EXT_X_KEY
let extinf: [EXTINF]
let uris: [String]
let m3u8 = """
let playlist = try M3U8Decoder().decode(Playlist.self, from: m3u8)
print(playlist.ext_x_version) // Prints: 7
print(playlist.ext_x_key.method) // Prints: SAMPLE-AES
print(playlist.ext_x_key.uri) // Prints: skd://vod.domain.com/fairplay/d1acadbf70824d178601c2e55675b3b3
print(playlist.ext_x_key.iv!) // Prints: 16 bytes
Decode the Data
from a Base64-encoded string.
struct Playlist: Decodable {
let extm3u: Bool
let ext_x_version: Int
let ext_data: Data
let m3u8 = """
let decoder = M3U8Decoder()
decoder.dataDecodingStrategy = .base64
let playlist = try decoder.decode(Playlist.self, from: m3u8)
print(playlist.ext_x_version) // Prints: 7
print(playlist.ext_data) // Prints: 13 bytes
print(String(data: playlist.ext_data, encoding: .utf8)!) // Prints: Hello Base64!
Predefined types
There are a list of default predifined sctructs (with snakeCase
key coding strategy) for all medata tags and attributes from of HTTP Live Streaming document that can be used to decode playlists.
Type | Tag/Attribute | Description |
#EXT-X-MAP:<attribute-list> |
The EXT-X-MAP tag specifies how to obtain the Media Initialization Section required to parse the applicable Media Segments. |
#EXT-X-KEY:<attribute-list> #EXT_X_SESSION_KEY:<attribute-list> |
Media Segments MAY be encrypted. The EXT-X-KEY/EXT_X_SESSION_KEY tag specifies how to decrypt them. |
#EXT-X-DATERANGE:<attribute-list> |
The EXT-X-DATERANGE tag associates a Date Range (i.e., a range o time defined by a starting and ending date) with a set of attribute value pairs. |
#EXTINF:<duration>,[<title>] |
The EXTINF tag specifies the duration of a Media Segment. |
#EXT-X-BYTERANGE:<n>[@<o>] BYTERANGE=<n>[@<o>] |
The EXT-X-BYTERANGE tag indicates that a Media Segment is a sub-range of the resource identified by its URI. |
#EXT-X-SESSION-DATA:<attribute-list> |
The EXT-X-SESSION-DATA tag allows arbitrary session data to be carried in a Master Playlist. |
#EXT-X-START:<attribute-list> |
The EXT-X-START tag indicates a preferred point at which to start playing a Playlist. |
#EXT-X-MEDIA:<attribute-list> |
The EXT-X-MEDIA tag is used to relate Media Playlists that contain alternative Renditions of the same content. |
#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:<attribute-list> |
The EXT-X-STREAM-INF tag specifies a Variant Stream, which is a set of Renditions that can be combined to play the presentation. |
#EXT-X-I-FRAME-STREAM-INF:<attribute-list> |
The EXT-X-I-FRAME-STREAM-INF tag identifies a Media Playlist file containing the I-frames of a multimedia presentation. |
RESOLUTION=<width>x<height> |
The value is a decimal-resolution describing the optimal pixel resolution at which to display all the video in the Variant Stream. |
[String] |
CODECS="codec1,codec2,..." |
The value is a quoted-string containing a comma-separated list of formats, where each format specifies a media sample type that is present in one or more Renditions specified by the Variant Stream. |
Implementations of these structs you can look at M3U8Tags.swift but anyway you can make and use your own ones to decode your playlists.
Custom tags and attributes
You can specify your types for custom tags or attributes with any key decodig strategy to decode your non-standard playlists:
let m3u8 = """
struct CustomAttributes: Decodable {
let value1: Int
let value2: String
struct CustomPlaylist: Decodable {
let ext_custom_tag1: Int
let ext_custom_tag2: CustomAttributes
let ext_custom_array: [Int]
do {
let playlist = try M3U8Decoder().decode(CustomPlaylist.self, from: m3u8)
print(playlist.ext_custom_tag1) // Prints: 1
print(playlist.ext_custom_tag2) // Prints: CustomAttributes(value1: 1, value2: 'Text')
print(playlist.ext_custom_array) // Prints: [1, 2, 3]
catch {
supporst TopLevelDecoder
protocol and can be used with Combine framework:
struct MasterPlaylist: Decodable {
let extm3u: Bool
let ext_x_version: Int
let ext_x_independent_segments: Bool
let ext_x_media: [EXT_X_MEDIA]
let ext_x_stream_inf: [EXT_X_STREAM_INF]
let ext_x_i_frame_stream_inf: [EXT_X_I_FRAME_STREAM_INF]
let uris: [String]
let url = URL(string: "https://devstreaming-cdn.apple.com/videos/streaming/examples/img_bipbop_adv_example_fmp4/master.m3u8")!
let cancellable = URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: url)
.decode(type: MasterPlaylist.self, decoder: M3U8Decoder())
.sink (
receiveCompletion: { print($0) }, // Prints: finished
receiveValue: { playlist in
print(playlist.ext_x_version) // Prints: 6
print(playlist.ext_x_independent_segments) // Prints: true
print(playlist.ext_x_media[0]) // Prints: EXT_X_MEDIA(type: "AUDIO", group_id: "aud1", name: "English", language: Optional("en"), assoc_language: nil, autoselect: Optional(true), default: Optional(true), instream_id: nil, channels: Optional("2"), forced: nil, uri: Optional("a1/prog_index.m3u8"), characteristics: nil)
print(playlist.uris[0]) // Prints: v5/prog_index.m3u8
NOTE: Combine is avaliable from macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0 and tvOS 13.0.
With M3U8Decoder
you can decode your data asynchronously with async
struct MasterPlaylist: Decodable {
let extm3u: Bool
let ext_x_version: Int
let ext_x_independent_segments: Bool
let ext_x_media: [EXT_X_MEDIA]
let ext_x_stream_inf: [EXT_X_STREAM_INF]
let ext_x_i_frame_stream_inf: [EXT_X_I_FRAME_STREAM_INF]
let uris: [String]
Task {
do {
let url = URL(string: "https://devstreaming-cdn.apple.com/videos/streaming/examples/img_bipbop_adv_example_fmp4/master.m3u8")!
let playlist = try await M3U8Decoder().decode(MasterPlaylist.self, from: url)
print(playlist.ext_x_version) // Prints: 6
print(playlist.ext_x_independent_segments) // Prints: true
print(playlist.ext_x_media[0]) // Prints: EXT_X_MEDIA(type: "AUDIO", group_id: "aud1", name: "English", language: Optional("en"), assoc_language: nil, autoselect: Optional(true), default: Optional(true), instream_id: nil, channels: Optional("2"), forced: nil, uri: Optional("a1/prog_index.m3u8"), characteristics: nil)
print(playlist.uris[0]) // Prints: v5/prog_index.m3u8
catch {
NOTE: Asynchonous decoding is avaliable from macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0 and tvOS 13.0.
- Select
Xcode > File > Add Packages...
- Add package repository:
- Import the package in your source files:
import M3U8Decoder
Swift Package
Add M3U8Decoder
package dependency to your Package.swift
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/ikhvorost/M3U8Decoder.git", from: "1.0.0")
targets: [
.target(name: "YourPackage",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "M3U8Decoder", package: "M3U8Decoder")
is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.