I just don't know that Serial class could be multiple instances. (I am a user of Uno and Pro Micro.) You mean we should have Serial1, 2, 3 like http://arduino.cc/en/reference/serial...
I may understand that Serial should not be a singleton. If you don't mind, could you give me a sample using multiple Serial instances? Or could you create patches for...
Yeah, I read your implementation for TapStream. I understood that it should not be Singleton.
Thank you for your PR. I will check it out soon.
Copied Jacob's messge for the discussion https://gitter.im/ikeyasu/arduino-mock?at=54d90616119229eb4eac2931 Jacob said.. I was able to pull in Stream and Printable all untouched. Just once crazy thing in Print. I cant seem to...
Thank you for pointing it out. I think we should focus on stable version. As you know, Arduino released 1.6.0 2 days ago. We should shift to 1.6.0 if there...
For the question, I think Makefile is better. Anyway, we need a discussion about what is an ideal way for the mock.
Right. The reason why I have chosen a ".cc" is Google test uses it. It was misdirection, even so.
I think test/ dir might not have headers. Do you have an idea to have headers under test/?
Sorry, it is just my lazy code. Thank you for pointed out.