vite-plugin-sentry copied to clipboard
Vite plugin acting as an interface to SentryCLI
Plugin for Vite ⚡️ to create releases and upload sourcemaps to Sentry
This plugin hooks into the Vite build step, to create a new release and upload source maps. It does not instrument error reporting in your app.
It's a port of official Sentry webpack plugin for Vite.
It's fully written on Typescript and there is some differences in configuration, described below, but we mostly follow @sentry/cli types.
yarn add -D vite-plugin-sentry
If you using Typescript - you can use ViteSentryPluginOptions type for better configuration experience with autocomplete.
Example config:
// vite.config.ts
// other declarations
import type { ViteSentryPluginOptions } from 'vite-plugin-sentry'
import viteSentry from 'vite-plugin-sentry'
Configure sentry plugin
const sentryConfig: ViteSentryPluginOptions = {
url: '',
authToken: '<SECRET_TOKEN_HERE>',
org: 'my_org',
project: 'my_project',
release: '1.0',
// legacyErrorHandlingMode: true, <- warn about sentry errors instead of fail
// cleanSourcemapsAfterUpload: true, <- delete generated sourcemap files after complete
deploy: {
env: 'production'
setCommits: {
auto: true
sourceMaps: {
include: ['./dist/assets'],
ignore: ['node_modules'],
urlPrefix: '~/assets'
export default defineConfig({
// other options
plugins: [ viteSentry(sentryConfig) ],
build: {
// required: tells vite to create source maps
sourcemap: true,
Possible breaking change!
From version 1.2.0
we have changed default error handling. Now if Sentry report error while uploading sourcemaps - we crash whole build process instead of just print warning. This was done to prevent calling next to &&
operator on uploading error.
You can enable legacy mode using legacyErrorHandlingMode: true
in plugin config.
Check project wiki on github to get more information.
Share config with Sentry client library
To correctly work with Sentry, you need to add a release to your project. Same about dist option: your uploaded sourcemaps and client sentry initialization must have same release/dist to make sentry correct recognize and bind sourcemaps to logged errors.
You can expose release and dist options used by vite-plugin-sentry into your application using Vite feature known as virtual module.
To do so, you need to add several lines:
// import virtual module
// i would recommend doing it at entry point script (e.g. main.js)
import 'virtual:vite-plugin-sentry/sentry-config'
// now you can use this variable like so
const dist = import.meta.env.VITE_PLUGIN_SENTRY_CONFIG.dist
const release = import.meta.env.VITE_PLUGIN_SENTRY_CONFIG.release
// use it in sentry init
// other sentry options
// also, these settings exposed to globalThis object
// so you can get them from window object:
const dist = window.VITE_PLUGIN_SENTRY_CONFIG.dist
const release = window.VITE_PLUGIN_SENTRY_CONFIG.release
To get type information for the virtual module or import meta env, you can add vite-plugin-sentry/client
to your types
array in tsconfig.json.
"types": [
Also you can use reference
in your typescript code like below:
///<reference types="vite-plugin-sentry/client"/>
Common how to:
Delete generated source maps after upload (#1)
UPD: From version 1.2.1 you can use new configuration option cleanSourcemapsAfterUpload
to clean sourcemap files.
While i recommend to use CI, you can also use tools like rimraf in your npm scripts to drop any unnecessary files after build was complete:
// package.json
"scripts": {
// delete all js map files when built
"build": "vite build && rimraf dist/**/*"
Cannot install on Windows
This plugin relies on @sentry/cli tool, which requires VCRedist to be installed. Please check #8 for details.
List of available options
Here are the list of all plugin options:
❌ - NOT required
⚠️ - NOT required in plugin config, but MUST be set (for example, using .sentryclirc file)
✅ - Required
Option | Type | Required | Default value | Description |
legacyErrorHandlingMode | boolean | ❌ | false | When true - all sentry uploading errors will be printed as warnings, build process will not be failed, vite will return exit code 0 |
cleanSourcemapsAfterUpload | boolean | ❌ | false | Delete generated sourcemap files after complete |
debug | boolean | ❌ | false | Show debug messages during run |
skipEnvironmentCheck | boolean | ❌ | false | By default plugin will be enabled only for production builds. Set this option to true to skip environment checks |
dryRun | boolean | ❌ | false | Run sentry in dry mode - will only prints all steps |
url | string | ❌ | '' | The base URL of your Sentry instance. |
authToken | string | ⚠️ | '' | The authentication token to use for all communication with Sentry. Can be obtained from Required scopes:project:releases (and org:read if setCommits option is used). |
org | string | ⚠️ | '' | The slug of the Sentry organization associated with the app. |
project | string | ⚠️ | '' | The slug of the Sentry project associated with the app. |
vcsRemote | string | ❌ | 'origin' | The name of the remote in the version control system. |
configFile | string | ❌ | '' | Path to sentry cli config file, as described in By default, the config file is looked for upwards from the current path, and defaults from ~/.sentryclirc are always loaded |
release | string | ❌ | Unique name for release. Defaults to sentry-cli releases propose version (requires access to GIT and root directory to be repo) | |
finalize | boolean | ❌ | false | Determines whether processed release should be automatically finalized after artifacts upload |
silent | boolean | ❌ | false | If true, all sentry-cli logs are suppressed |
deploy | SentryCliNewDeployOptions | ❌ | Sentry release deployment settings, see details below | |
sourceMaps | SentryCliUploadSourceMapsOptions | ✅ | Sourcemaps settings, see details below | |
setCommits | SentryCliCommitsOptions | ❌ | Adds commits to sentry, see details below |
deploy settings
With deploy
you can configure sentry cli to send deployment info. Here is a table of settings:
Option | Type | Required | Description |
env | string | ✅ | Environment value for release. For example production |
started | number | ❌ | UNIX timestamp for deployment start |
finished | number | ❌ | UNIX timestamp for deployment finish |
time | number | ❌ | Deployment duration in seconds. Can be used instead of started and finished . |
name | string | ❌ | Human-readable name for this deployment |
url | string | ❌ | URL that points to the deployment |
sourceMaps settings
With sourceMaps
you can configure how sourcemaps will be processed
Option | Type | Required | Description |
include | string| string[] | ✅ | One or more paths that Sentry CLI should scan recursively for sources. It will upload all .map files and match associated .js files. |
dist | string | ❌ | Unique identifier for the distribution, used to further segment your release. Usually your build number |
ignore | string[] | ❌ | Paths to ignore during upload. Overrides entries in ignoreFile file. If neither ignoreFile nor ignore is present, defaults to ['node_modules'] . |
ignoreFile | string | ❌ | Path to a file containing list of files/directories to ignore. Can point to .gitignore or anything with the same format. |
rewrite | boolean | ❌ | Enables rewriting of matching source maps so that indexed maps are flattened and missing sources are inlined if possible. Defaults to true |
sourceMapReference | boolean | ❌ | Prevents the automatic detection of sourcemap references. Defaults to false . |
stripPrefix | string[] | ❌ | When paired with rewrite , will remove a prefix from uploaded filenames. Useful for removing a path that is build-machine-specific. |
stripCommonPrefix | boolean | ❌ | When paired with rewrite , will add ~ to the stripPrefix array. Defaults to false |
validate | boolean | ❌ | When true , attempts source map validation before upload if rewriting is not enabled. It will spot a variety of issues with source maps and cancel the upload if any are found. Defaults to false to prevent false positives canceling upload. |
urlPrefix | string | ❌ | URL prefix to add to the beginning of all filenames. Defaults to ~/ but you might want to set this to the full URL. This is also useful if your files are stored in a sub folder. eg: url-prefix '~/static/js' . |
urlSuffix | string | ❌ | URL suffix to add to the end of all filenames. Useful for appending query parameters. |
ext | string[] | ❌ | The file extensions to be considered. By default the following file extensions are processed:js , map , jsbundle , and bundle . |
setCommits settings
With setCommits
you can configure
Option | Type | Required | Description |
repo | string | ✅if auto === false |
The full git repo name as defined in Sentry. Required if auto option is not true , otherwise optional. |
commit | string | ✅if auto === false |
The current (most recent) commit in the release. Required if auto option is not true , otherwise optional. |
previousCommit | string | ❌ | The last commit of the previous release. Defaults to the most recent commit of the previous release in Sentry, or if no previous release is found, 10 commits back from commit . |
auto | boolean | ❌ | Automatically set commit and previousCommit . Defaults commit to HEAD and previousCommit as described above. Overrides other options |
ignoreMissing | boolean | ❌ | When the flag is set and the previous release commit was not found in the repository, will create a release with the default commits count(or the one specified with --initial-depth ) instead of failing the command. |
ignoreEmpty | boolean | ❌ | When the flag is set, command will not fail and just exit silently if no new commits for a given release have been found. |
At the moment we got unit tests for plugin functions. You can run them by running yarn test
Also there will appear e2e tests soon.
👤 ikenfin
- Website:
- Github: @ikenfin
Thank you to all contributors and users of this plugin. Knowing that so many people found this plugin helpful is really motivating me!
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