wfdb-app-toolbox copied to clipboard
wfdb2mat error (Reference to non-existent field 'WFDB_CUSTOMLIB')
Thanks for your effort in the library.
I am trying to run
on Matlab R12012a using "wfdb-app-toolbox-0-9-10" toolbox Windows 10 64-bit "Java 1.7.0_79-b15 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode" wfdb_path: 'wfdb-app-JVM7-0-9-9.jar'
Reference to non-existent field 'WFDB_CUSTOMLIB'.
Error in getWfdbClass (line 34)
Error in wfdb2mat (line 56)
Any advice?
Thanks in advance,
Help me `wfdbdemo Reading samples ECG signal from MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database Reference to non-existent field 'WFDB_CUSTOMLIB'.
Error in getWfdbClass (line 34) javaWfdbExec=javaObject('org.physionet.wfdb.Wfdbexec',commandName,config.WFDB_CUSTOMLIB);
Error in rdsamp (line 87) [javaWfdbExec,config]=getWfdbClass('rdsamp');
Error in wfdbdemo (line 12) [tm,ecg]=rdsamp('mitdb/100',1,N);`
I solve it by following this website: I use Matlab but i think the error was with a missed pakage. i have already cygwin terminal installed and then by following that website, i found gcc or C compiler missed. I install it on both matlab using this command: mex -setup and on cygwin by following this web page: (Installing Cygwin), by seleting the missing packages, e.g, Make, gcc and check.
help me on Matlab R12013"a using "wfdb-app-toolbox-0-10-0" toolbox
wfdbdemo Reading samples ECG signal from MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database Reference to non-existent field 'WFDB_CUSTOMLIB'.
Error in getWfdbClass (line 34) javaWfdbExec=javaObject('org.physionet.wfdb.Wfdbexec',commandName,config.WFDB_CUSTOMLIB);
Error in rdsamp (line 88) [javaWfdbExec,config]=getWfdbClass('rdsamp');
Error in wfdbdemo (line 12) [ecg,Fs,tm]=rdsamp('mitdb/100',1,N);