Ambien icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Ambien copied to clipboard

java bytecode obfuscator



Feature Implemented
String encryption
Number obfuscation
Flow obfuscation
Reference obfuscation
Miscellaneous ZIP stuff

As of 1.5.0-beta release, unimplemented features will be added at some point


  • Download the latest jar here
    • The jar ending in -beta is the obfuscator itself.
    • The jar ending in -lib is an optional library you can use to exclude methods & classes.

Before using:

  • Ambien MUST be ran with Java 8+
  • Ambien should not be used alongside or with other obfuscators.

Run the jar using the --create-config argument to create a base config

Then run the Ambien jar using the -config argument (including the path to your config)

To see all the arguments Ambien offers, you can use the '-help' argument

Example obfuscation

Example obfuscation of Ambien v1.4.0


public static void main(String[] args) {
    boolean plaaaaaaaay = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) {
        System.out.printf("%b: %d\n", plaaaaaaaay, i);
        plaaaaaaaay = !plaaaaaaaay;

Full test jar source code can be found here


public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
    boolean plaaaaaaaay = false ^ true;
    int i = 0;

    while(i < ((16 | -108 | 0) ^ -101)) {
        byte[] var4 = new byte[]{73, 121, 76, 53, 109, 50, 76, 53, 110, 121, 76, 53, 105, 121, 76, 53, 52, 121, 76, 53, 103, 50, 76, 53, 110, 121, 76, 53};
        System.out.printf(A07cQLY3IyaJGAbxxl5(new String(486kCqNqdnWHTRGJKW21xyGHn05SSE8b5CoJlJHw6Y9hUzd3YCj7qmPGN(var4)), QuVrzlq11JpJxR8B1R7CTzqo6w, 13120), plaaaaaaaay, i);
        boolean var10003;
        if (!plaaaaaaaay) {
            var10003 = true;
            if (((31 | -116 | -22) ^ -37) != ((48 | 50 | -128) ^ 55)) {

            boolean var6 = false;
            if (var6) {
        } else {
            var10003 = false;

        plaaaaaaaay = var10003;
        if (((-22 | 34 | -124) ^ -124) != ((48 | -2 | 123) ^ -40)) {

        boolean var5 = false;
        if (var5) {

Full class decompilation can be seen here

Transformer settings can be seen here


As of 1.2.1-beta release


  • Simply clone this repository
  • Add -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=DEBUG to vm options to see debug output


Lombok, ASM, SLF4J, GSON & JCommander

Tools used & information used

Recaf, jd-gui & wikipedia of instructions