learn-coordinatorlayout-behavior copied to clipboard
// val effect = adInterpolator.getInterpolation(offset / offsetMax) // val e: Int = argbEvaluator.evaluate(effect, Color.WHITE, 0xFF646464.toInt()) as Int // vSearch.setImageDrawable(tintDrawable(drawableSearch, ColorStateList.valueOf(e))) // vSearch.scaleX = (1 - 0.4 * effect).toFloat() // vSearch.scaleY = (1 - 0.4 * effect).toFloat() // vSearch.translationX = -(vSearchBorder.width - vSearch.width + dp(3)) * effect // vSearchHint.alpha = effect // vSearchHint.translationX = (vSearchHint.width / 3) * (1 - effect) if (dy>0&&offset==offsetMax){ return 1F; }else if (dy<0&&offset==0F){ return 0F; } offset+=dy; if (offset>offsetMax){ offset=offsetMax; }else if (offset<0){ offset=0F; } float effect = adInterpolator.getInterpolation(offset / offsetMax); int e = (int) argbEvaluator.evaluate(effect,Color.WHITE,Color.parseColor("#999999")); float kotlinturnjava (int dy){ if (dy>0&&offset==offsetMax){ return 1F; }else if (dy<0&&offset==0F){ return 0F; } offset+=dy; if (offset>offsetMax){ offset=offsetMax; }else if (offset<0){ offset=0F; } float effect = adInterpolator.getInterpolation(offset / offsetMax); int e = (int) argbEvaluator.evaluate(effect,Color.WHITE,Color.parseColor("#999999")); sousuo_img.setImageDrawable(tintDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.mipmap.xin_khsousuo),ColorStateList.valueOf(e))); sousuo_img.setScaleX(Float.parseFloat(String.valueOf(1 - 0.4 * effect))); sousuo_img.setScaleY(Float.parseFloat(String.valueOf(1 - 0.4 * effect))); hidesousuolay.setAlpha(effect); hidesousuolay.setTranslationX(hidesousuolay.getWidth()-hidesousuolay.getWidth()+ DensityUtils.dip2px(NewUseShopActivity.this,3)*effect); return effect; }
这个没翻译: if ((child.translationY < 0 || (child.translationY == 0F && dy > 0)) && !child.canScrollVertically()) { val effect = layTitle.effectByOffset(dy) selfView.vSmartTab.setBackgroundColor(argbEvaluator.evaluate(effect, Color.WHITE, 0xFFFAFAFA.toInt()) as Int) val transY = -simpleTopDistance * effect if (transY != child.translationY) { child.translationY = transY consumed[1] = dy }
if (type == 1) {
isScrollToFullFood = true
} else if ((child.translationY > 0 || (child.translationY == 0F && dy < 0)) && !child.canScrollVertically()) {
if (isScrollToFullFood) {
child.translationY = 0F // top fling to bottom顶到底
} else {
child.translationY -= dy
consumed[1] = dy
这些都是根据业务来的。业务不一样代码不一样。 大体意思就是,通过behavior的特点先拿到了触摸事件,然后检查确定页面当前的状态.然后看对应的事件应该怎么处理