
Results 49 comments of else

Sorry, I'm new to using git. REST api service with fastapi This function has not been merged into the main or dev branch at present, right? Because I have not...

Today I performed a request test on the function of this code and it works normally. ``` --> END POST (1286684-byte body)

`v1.2.7` 和 `1.2.8` 均有 . 可能我导入的文件格式不对? 我这边是 `cls.pdiparmas` `cls.pdmodel` `det.pdiparams` `det.pdmodel` `rec.pdiparams` `rec.pdmodel` . 和你demo好像不一样

根据我的研究我可能是因为运行在 雷电9模拟器上导致的, 这估计是个 X86架构的模拟器, 我自己用 官方的 demo 部署测试 也会卡在 running models 这个等待框这里。 我看官方 issue 里面也有人提到过 x86 支持的相关问题。 目前没有下文。 我切换到mumu12模拟器是可以出结果的

PaddleOCR/issues/7543 官方似乎不打算处理这个事情. 这就尴尬了


@tolinescu same, i cannot find the [inswapper_128.onnx](https://huggingface.co/henryruhs/roop/resolve/main/inswapper_128.onnx) too.

The solution you offer is effective. The inswapper_128.onnx file size should be around 541264kb.