Ralf Geisthardt
Ralf Geisthardt
Have a look to https://github.com/maxbanton/cwh/blob/master/src/Handler/CloudWatch.php#L130 . You do not need to check normally that the log group is created and create one. This is insufficient. So use here false instead.
i have the same issue... there are any solutions or forks for it?
i have the same problem with version 7.0.0-beta.15 when i run svelte check on my project 1694074059405 START "/app" 1694074069162 {"type":"ERROR","filename":"node_modules/@smui/menu/src/SelectionGroupIcon.ts","start":{"line":7,"character":2},"end":{"line":7,"character":11},"message":"Types of construct signatures are incompatible.\n Type 'new (options: ComponentConstructorOptions...