Igor Demin
Igor Demin
Hello @derfl0, this is Duplicate of #172
Hello @kapouik, sorry for the late reply. I created ticket #64458 with your issue.
Hello @aol-nnov and @Mer0me, it's fixed and will be released in the next major release.
Hello @9527-lang, sorry for the late reply. We don't test compilation on ubuntu less then 16.04, i guess there may be problems. Can you try compile on the Ubuntu 16.04...
I have issued this enhancement as Bug #66616
Hello @aLazyBear, sorry for the late reply. Provide please the information about hadware of your server and steps to reproduse.
Hi @Airscope, build_tools does not currently support Ubuntu 22.04, this is bug, issue #64173, try using the version below. My last compile check was just 7 hours ago without errors...
As far as I understand this issue the same as https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/build_tools/issues/807, Duplicate of #807
Hello @shooding I guess the issue is the same as https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/build_tools/issues/407, compilation on Mac OS, we still havn't guide.
Hello @JiffyChen, You can compile using build_tools, the guide is [here](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/build_tools/blob/master/README.md). But its brocken right now #807.